King's Business - 1959-03

'P e n A o tta t


By Benjamin Weiss w

hat is the Gospel? It

is the good news that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ into the world to r e d e e m t h e w o r l d . Do you know all that this means? Do you have the answer for p e o p l e who are sinners and who know noth­ ing about God or

Mr. Weiss Co-Director, National Educators’ Fellowship

His great gift through His Son. If you are going to help them, you must first know the meaning of this Good News. It is both news and — good news. It is as good to others as it is to you. How good is that? Are you looking for people to whom you may witness? What will you tell them about His saving Grace and His power to save from sin? First let me ask, “What do you mean by the Gospel?” When you are witnessing to a person, your testimony may not have been preceded by an evangelistic sermon by a capable evangelist or minister. The person may not know the condemna­ tion that God has pronounced on the one who commits sin. He may never have heard how one may believe in Jesus Christ and have his sins forgiven. Be sure of this: the sin problem is the world’s problem. It is everybody’s greatest problem. The Gos­ pel is God’s specific remedy for sin in the life of every person. Since you must tell the story yourself, if you are going to guide someone else into a new life in Christ, you must, yourself, be sure that you know the Gospel story. Jesus said that the message His disciples should preach is repentance and remission of sins. Remember, sin is the basic cause of people’s “lostness.” The Apostle Paul said in I Cor. 15:3 “ I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scripture.” And in Romans 3:23, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” The remedy for sin is provided by Christ’s suffering and death on Calvary. Belief in Him is the remedy for sinners. Receiving Christ into our lives is God’s way of Salvation. This is the Gospel. Nothing short of this is the Gospel. It is the Gospel story that you are to tell to the lost in your work of personal evangelism. Have you been telling the Gospel story, the whole story? Be sure that you tell it clearly and simply. Don’t overlook the part about sin and God’s remedy for sin in Christ’s shed blood on Calvary. Don’t stop with that either. Tell that God is willing to forgive all sin. Tell also, that Christ will come into their lives whenever they invite Him to come in. This is the Gospel. This is the Gospel that saves from sin and makes new creatures in Christ. Tell this story! The world is waiting to hear it. Someone is waiting for you to tell it to him. Tell it straight! Tell it often! But tell it!

SUMMER SCHOOL Here at M oody Bible Institute, you can combine a rémarkably inex­ pensive vacation with summer study . . . three or six weeks of practical, concentrated study of the Bible and related subjects, such as Sacred This year’s sessions, with more than 50 accredited subjects being offered, promise to be rewarding ones. Faculty includes outstanding Bible teachers, Christian educators and gospel musicians. Courses of study have been planned and designed particularly for students, teachers, office workers, pastors, missionaries and busy Chris­ tians from all walks of life. Opportunity is provided for studying sub­ jects within as short a time as six weeks, and in some cases three weeks, which ordinarily require a full semester in Day School. TW O 3 -W E EK S E S S IO N S MBI' Sstrategic location... ■ It’s right in the center of things. .. near Lake Michigan, only eight blocks from the heart of Chicago’s loop and close to many of the city’s cultural centers. Music, Christian Education and Missions. M o re than SO A ccred ited Su b je c ts

J U N E 15 - J U L Y 3 J U L Y 6 - J U L Y 24 S p e c ia l W o rk sh op s MISSIONARY LITERATURE June 15 through July 3 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION June 15 through July 3 BIBLE INSTITUTE WORKSHOP FOR MISSIONARIES July 6 through 24 CHURCH MUSIC WORKSHOP July 6 through 10

■ Perhaps no other city in the world offers a more practical clinic for observation and experience in all phases of Christian work. I You’ll enjoy inspiring fellowship with stu­ dents and faculty.

■ In your spare time, there will be oppor­ tunities for sight-seeing tours and browsing around points of interest. WRITE TODAY FOR FREE CATALOG AND APPLICATION PAPERS

Dept. K-9-341


MOODY B I BLE I N S T I T U T E Dr. William Culbertson, president • Dr. S. Maxwell Coder, dean 820 N. LaSalle Street * Chicago 10, Illinois

Please send me Summer School folder, catalog and application papers. Application papers must be back at least 10 days before the opening of session you plan to attend.

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