King's Business - 1959-03

IS ANSWERING PRAYER Continue To Pray For Australia Billy Graham And Team

D r . W il b u r M . S m it h , P r o fe s s o r o f E n g l is h B ib l e FULLER T H E O L O G IC A L SEM IN AR Y, PA SA D E N A , CALIF.

"Billy Graham, without any question, has been used of God to bring more people into a believing relationship with Jesus Christ as Saviour than any other man of this generation, or any man of his age in modern times. All who fervently believe in the proclamation of the gospel which this man boldly and constantly preaches should daily be able to say what our Lord said to Simon Peter, " I have prayed for thee." Dr. Graham has repeatedly said that it was the prayers of God's people that made the New York and San Francisco campaigns so effective. As we earnestly prayed for his ministry in the cities of our own land, let us be equally faithful in praying for the forthcoming campaign in a land most of us will probably never see, but which needs the same gospel by which alone men are delivered from the power of sin and the fear of death, and become the children of God. We are not wit­ nessing a genuine revival on earth today. If God willed, one


could be kindled in Australia. D r . A l a n R e d p a t h , p a s to r THE MOODY CHU R C H , CH IC A GO , ILLINOIS

"Paul was able to say to the church at Ephesus that he had not shunned to declare the whole counsel of God. I believe this to be true of Dr. Billy Graham in this day and generation. Such a

man is, therefore, subject to intense Satanic attack which is only fought back and driven off by militant, believing prayer. For this reason alone (as well as for many others which I would be happy to give had I space) the testimony of Billy Graham as well as his life and ministry are the subject of prayer not only for myself personally, but of the church of which it is my privilege to be pastor. ON TELEVISION A U S T R A L IA N C R U S A D E A B C -TV N ETW O RK beginning SAT ., FEB. 28th FOR T IM E & CHANNEL CONSULT LOCAL TV SCHEDULES


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