King's Business - 1959-03


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By INEZ McGAHEY John ’55 and Sheila Tuggy (South America): “Having been married nearly a year now, we know that He is faithful to fulfill His promises of giving us, through­ out our lives together, fulness of joy. Pray for us as we choose a base site and that we shall have the funds for transportation and building.” Samuel Durant ’55 (South America): “ W e are glad to be serving the Lord in Brazil; the opportunity to reach the souls of men to tell them about Jesus is a spe­ cial joy at this time. We have had the joy of seeing our first graduates of the Pioneer Bible Institute, four young people whom we have good reason to believe will give a good account of themselves to the glory of God. Our first little mission is well on its way to become a small church.” Foster ’49 and Marguerite ’48 Tresise i (Hawaii): “ It was our joy recently to see another convert won from Buddhism to the ranks of Jesus Christ. This was the ! culmination of a series of events. First the effective testimony of her son; then the faithful teaching of the Sunday School teacher; and finally, the personal evan­ gelism of God’s servants. All of this was the effective leading of the Lord in the affairs of the home and life, and in answer to much prayer. God is permitting deci­ sions, weekly, of one nature or another. Some for salvation, others for consecra­ tion, while still others are strengthened in things spiritual.” Leonard ’44 and Helen (Reiger ’43) Hanes (Bio Grande Bible Institute, Tex­ as): “ Our student body here at the Insti­ tute is a bit smaller this year, but those whom the Lord has brought to us seem to be down to business; and we have been reminded again that quality means much much more than quantity. However, we do have the facilities for training many more so we are praying and would ask you to join us in praying that the Lord might call out many more young Mexican Christians to prepare themselves for the Gospel ministry.” Ernie ’52 and Jo Anna (Smith ’54) Wil- kison (Coquille, Oregon): “W e are so thankful for the attendance in our release time Bible classes each week. W e have about 50 in one class and 38 in the other. During the summer we work in Vacation Bible School and camp work. Recently we started Sunday evening services in Sum­ ner, a community eight miles away.” Ethel Berg ’45 (Japan): “ It’s been a joy and privilege to have a small part in the teaching and training of young people atending our Japan Christian College. Many of these students scatter to different parts of Japan during the summer months to help in evangelistic meetings, daily vacation Bible schools, and youth camps. If the Lord lays it upon your heart, pray much that these precious young people might find the Lord’s place of service for them among their own people. Japan has prospered materially and financially . . . but spiritually they are still in darkness.”

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