King's Business - 1959-03


BOKREVIEWS By Arnold D. Ehlert, Th.D., Librarian and Professor of Library Science at BIOLA

alone. There is a detailed index which would lead the Christian work­ er and, in fact, any student of the Bible into material that will illumi­ nate almost any portion of the Scrip­ tures. The author is the wife of a Presbyterian minister in California. 212 pages; cloth; The John C. Win­ ston Company, Philadelphia, Pa.; $4.50. The V isible Words of God By Joseph C. McLelland Peter Martyr was one of the Ref­ ormation stars whose works have been neglected in English translation, and this is a commendable attempt to rem­ edy the situation. Peter rose out of Italy, “ the miracle of Italy,” Calvin called him. His theology centered around the eucharist, and the present volume is, in effect, a theology of that sacrament. The book gives a sketch of his life and proceeds to dis­ cuss this theology with copius quota­ tions. There is a bibliography of his works and other appendices with an index. While not, in many things, strictly pertinent to the interests of our readers, this is none-the-less a significant contribution to historical theology. 291 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rap­ ids; $4.00. It seems quite evident that the Ro­ man Catholic question is likely to come to the fore as one of the primary considerations in America in the next two years. There has been much writ­ ten on various phases of the contro­ versy and will continue to be written. Dr. Berkouwer has produced in this volume a careful and dignified analy­ sis within the theological framework, which has been hammered out on the anvil of close association in Europe with the tensions involved. He has attacked the central doctrines of the Roman church that form its bulwark and are most easily refuted from Scripture—grace and salvation. Con­ siderable attention is also paid to Carl Barth’s critique of Catholicism. 319 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $5.95. c EDITOR'S NOTE: Books recommended in / S these columns ore on sale at the BIOLA < ) Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street, Los > (Angeles; 121 West Wilson, Glendale. Mail r >order service available. \ Con flict W ith Rome By Gerrit C. Berkouwer

G EN E S IS , A D E V O T IO N A L C O M M E N T A R Y By W . H. Griffith Thomas

So many things find their begin­ nings in the Book of Genesis that we find ourselves turning again and again to it. According to the her­ meneutical law of first mention the book has significance far beyond its comparatively large size. Spiritual lessons abound and Dr. Thomas has picked them up and has given them a fine turn for the theologian and the pastor. Here we find the outline: gen­ eration, degeneration, and regenera­ tion. 507 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerd- mans Publishing House, Grand Rap­ ids; $4.00. M c F a r l a n d o f s i a m By Bertha Blount McFarland Phra Ach Vidyagama, as he came to be known among his Siamese friends, introduced modem medicine to the land now known as Thailand. This story of his life and activities written by his wife is a thrilling story of a man who was bom there of mis­ sionary parents and after coming to America for his scientific education went back to found the Royal Medical College and a hospital along modem lines. There were many difficulties, but finally both the government and the Rockefeller Foundation of Ameri­ ca helped, and success was achieved. It is significant that this development took place within the Christian tra­ dition, even if not wholly within the missionary movement. The book is also of considerable significance in the field of Thailand history, as there is much related regarding govern­ mental activities. 313 pages; cloth; Vantage Press, New York; $4.95. T H E T O R C H OF F A IT H by Freda Dunlop White This is an interesting attempt to make the Bible live by retelling some of the story in terms of intimate de­ scription of persons and events in their cultural and historic contexts. Out of a wealth of reading and back­ ground the author, nevertheless, has preserved a simple style. Abraham, Moses, Joshua, the prophets, apostles, and the many characters of the Bible walk and talk in this book in their everyday life, and we are privileged to look at them a little more closely than we can by reading the Bible

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