King's Business - 1959-03

B O O K E N D S (Brief reviews of current publications)

The whole thrilling story of lives turned to God in B I L L Y G R A H A M ' S Crusade AT THE GoldenGate By SHERWOOD ELIOT WIRT BILLY G R A H A M h im self says in his fo rew o rd : “ Sh erw ood W irt has captured the heart-beat o f the Crusade by bringing to the witness stand those w h o can say ‘w e believe.’ ”

SONGS EVERYBODY LOVES compiled by R. J. Hughes. 50 pages; paper; Zonder- van Publishing House, Grand Rapids; 60c. A C H IL D 'S STORY OF THE W ORLD A N D ITS PEOPLE by Amelia C. Krug. Illustrated by Hubert J. Eifler. 176 pages; cloth; Concordia Pub. House, Saint Louis; no price listed. A first book for the Chris­ tian school in world history and culture. The thread of history, as a unified whole, is presented under the philosophy of divine oversight. It gives adequate attention to religious developments. The level is 9-10 years. THE W A Y W A R D H EART by Sallie Lee Bell. 217 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub­ lishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. This popular author has now entered the field of biblical novels. This story is about Sherah, a beautiful girl who finds herself involved with both a Jewish and a Roman lover. The time is the first Christian cen­ tury, in the time of Paul. The story contains a moving spiritual struggle and victory that can challenge the reader to a dedi­ cation to serve Christ. GOG A L L AGOG " IN THE LATTER D A Y S "; or, RU SSIA IN PROPHECY by Milton B. Lindberg. 40 pages; paper; American Messianic Fellowship, 7448 N. Damen Ave., Chicago 45, III.; 35c. Reprint of a pamphlet that has gone through eleven editions in 20 years. The conflict between Russia and Israel in the light of Ezekiel 38 and 39 is presented in some detail. DID M A N JUST H APPEN ? by W. A. Criswell. 121 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publications, Grand Rapids; $2.00. A series of eight messages preached in the author's church, First Baptist of Dallas. The thun­ der of the pulpit is preserved in these mes­ sages which form a frontal attack on the theories of evolution. SOM E GOLDEN D A Y B R E A K by Lee Roberson. 1 17 pages; cloth; Sword of the Lord Publishers, Wheaton, III.; $2.00. We have here seventeen messages by the famous southern orator on the second coming of Christ. The pre-tribulation rap­ ture position is seen by Dr. Roberson to be the biblical one. GOD A N D THE CH ILDREN by J. Regi­ nald Hill and G. R. Harding Wood. 92 poges; cloth; Paternoster Press, London; 6/-net. Two authors familiar with chil­ dren's work in Great Britain deal with the worker, the child, and the relationships between them. There is an earnestness and spiritual fervency in this book that will appeal to any Christian worker and inspire greater devotion to the task. C H R IST IA N F I N G E R P L A Y S A N D G AM ES by Edna Bevan. 30 pages; paper; Z o n d e r v a n Publishing House, Grand Rapids; 50c. One will find much on this particular phase of youth activity which proves very effective in group work. There are about thirty-five different pieces in this collection.

CRU SAD E A T THE G O L D E N GATE tells the w h ole story o f Billy G raham at San F ran ­ cisco w ith the keynote serm on b y D r. G raham , but w ith particular emphasis on the people in volved. Out o f the 2 8 ,000 converts, ten are chosen fo r full-length stories o f re-m ade lives under on e o f the greatest evangelists o f ou r time. Eugenia Price says: "C R U S A D E A T THE G O L D E N GATE w ill be read b y the same types o f persons w h o listen to B illy G raham—every type! Sher­ w o o d W irt’s realistic treatment o f ten d if­ ferent lives tou ch ed b y Christ, sets the b o o k apart from all oth er Crusade reports to date.” 16 pages of photographs. $2.75

Shadow ofthe Almighty

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B y ELISABETH ELLIOT “ A fascinating Port^ ^ o f a modern missionary E . G a e b e l e x n 16 pages of photographs $3.75 B/ ELISABETH ELLIOT l u f f -Cd • ••Under the au th ors guidan ce w e nass into ^spiritual experiePnceS |sp ace.” y ° nd t,m e and - D a n ie l A . P o u n g Cornel, e. PB 'lustrations $3.75 ATYOUR BOOKSELLER * HARPER & BROTHERS, N.Y.I6 S p fetnm


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