King's Business - 1959-03

‘THE B E S T CHURCH HYMNAL P Inspiring Trains


i f lay Accordion, Organ or Piano Imagine the thrill playing G ospel " H ym ns for

The Editors of the King's Business in­ vite readers to c o n tribu te outlines for sermons, Bible readings, etc., for use in this monthly column.

Evangelistic Campaigns, Hospitals, Mission Fields or your own pleasure. All yours through my easy . Illustrated, Graphic Christian music method._____ m Clip or r n i l P O N for FREE Copy Sample Lesson _ HERB JAHN, Box 147 B Hollywood 28, Calif. y M se n d FREE BROCHURE, T.Q.T. SA M PLE LESSO N 1 "'it o prove I can play Hym ns through ILLUSTRO^ GRAPH, just as you have taught 4,000 others.^ Name— — -----------------------------------------------------y ®Address------------ i--------------------------------------:--------- P City, Zone, State. « □ P ia n o □ Organ □ Accordion Print PLAINLY*

527 H ym n s and songs. $2.00 per copy. (In quan­ tities o f 12 or more, $1.70 each.) Leather pulpit edi­ tion, $12.50. Order from your bookstore or

The Expansiveness of Easter 2 T im o t h y 2 :1 0

According to this glorious text, the work of our Lord at the open tomb brings to light the hidden councils of eternity that is past, and provides for an eternity yet to come. Note: 1. The revelation which our Lord Jesus Christ’s first appearing gave—God’s purpose and grace from eternity to save us. 2. The work w h i c h our Lord Jesus Christ’s first appearing accomplished. 3. The method by which our Lord Jesus Christ accomplished His purpose — “ through the gospel,” i.e., through His sacrificial death and His resur­ rection. It brought: a. Life. b. Immortality to light. * * * * * The Resurrection and Repentance A cts 17:30,31 Theremin, the noted German Huguenot pastor of the French Reformed Church of Berlin, who lived in the early part of the last century, used the following outline: Proposition: The resurrection is an in­ centive to repentance. 1. The resurrection proves the existence of an invisible world. 2. W e pass into that world at death. 3. Our destiny in that world depends on our relation to Christ in this world. * * * * * SEVEN "BETTERS" IN HEBREWS The Son better than angels. 1:4 Christ better than Melchisedec. 7:7 Better hope. 7:19 Better substance. 10:34 Better country. 11:16 Better resurrection. 11:35 Better things for us. 11:40 The blood of Christ better than that of Abel. 12:24 * * * * * SEVEN OFFICES OF THE SPIRIT IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN Quickening. 3:5, 6; 1:12,13,32, 33 Indwelling. 4:14; Eph. 4:30; I Thess. 5:19 Outflowing. 7:37-39 Comforting. 14:16,17; I John 2:1; Rom. 8:9; I Cor. 6:19 Teaching. 14:26; Rom. 12:3; I Cor. 2:14; I Cor. 8:2; John 6:63; I John 2:27 Reproving. 16:8 Endowing. I Cor. 12:7-10; Heb. 2:4 * * afc ♦ * ROMANS 12:1,2 Better testament. 7:22 Better covenant. 8:6 Better promises. 8:6 Better sacrifice. 9:23

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Free toWRITERS seeking a book publisher Two fact-filled, illustrated brochures tell how to publish your book, get 40% royalties, na­ tional advertising, publicity and promotion. Free editorial appraisal. Write Dept. KB-3 Exposition Press / 386 4th Ave., N.Y. 16

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