King's Business - 1959-03


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B y R ALPH CARM ICHAEL field of sacred music is more than just a talented musician. He must be will­ ing to give himself and to share freely his Christian witness. I would like to list some of the country’s top artists, but I know that in doing so I would run the risk of omitting some and would surely hear about it. Would you like to know what an artist wants more than anything else? You may think that he wants large offerings or handsome honorariums. The truth is that most Christian artists I know enjoy less material security than do workers in other fields of ministry. To go a step further, they have the poorest business heads in the world. So, occasionally, under pres­ sure, one of them may kick over the traces and ask the unpardonable ques­ tion “how much does it pay?” (Did you ever hear of a preacher with a family accepting a pastorate without inquiring about the parsonage and salary?) To become famous as a Christian musician is about as feasible as run­ ning for President on the prohibition ticket. So, I would discount fame as an incentive. I believe that most of our fine gospel singers and musicians would be doing just what they are doing whether they prospered or not. Do you want to break an artist’s heart? Just use him as a “ fill in” between the announcements and of­ fering or as background music at a church social! A dedicated Christian artist has something to give. A Chris­ tian world should learn to take it. The Records — The phonograph record is to the musician what the printing press is to an author. The extent of a musician’s usefulness in personal appearances and special re­ vival meetings depends upon his en­ durance, physical well being, and availability. But, by means of record­ ings he can multiply himself a thou­ sand times over. He is available to sing for you anytime of the day or night . . . anywhere in the world at the drop of a hat (or needle). Just as every home should have good books, I believe every Christian home should have an excellent col­ lection of fine inspirational records. You buy daily newspapers and late edition magazines to satisfy your curiosity and to keep abreast of cur­ rent events. Why not-buy new record releases and satisfy your soul with song and stay inspired with the sounds that live forever — sacred music!

This command of the Risen Christ is being carried out through over forty radio stations in the United States and nine foreign countries. Beamed to State of Israel every Saturday. Many write for the Prophecy Edi­ tion New Testament and are followed up by mail and personal calls when­ ever possible. Some are finding Christ as Messiah-Saviour. We need your prayerful support. Send for free copy of our maga­ zine, MESSAGE TO ISRAEL.

RALPH C A R M IC H A E L A T W ORK T hose of you who are interested in sacred music might appreciate a paragraph or two on the subjects of recording companies, ar t i s t s , and recordings. The Companies — It is true that a few of the major labels such as RCA Victor, Capitol and Columbia have some very fine LP albums of sacred music. (Of these RCA Victor has the largest catalog). Also, the more re­ cently organized companies such as Dot, Tops, and Warners are showing some interest in this field. However, there are companies which deal solely in religious record releases. The four largest of these are Sacred Records, Inc., Christian Faith Records (Alma), Word Records, Inc., and Zondervan (Singspiration) Records. At this point I should like to put in a good word for both sides. I am glad that the secular companies recognize the demands made by Christian peo­ ple and are producing some albums to meet our taste and standards. At the same time my hat is off to the “ all sacred music” companies who have dared to produce top quality albums with Christian artists and have made them available to the public in the hopes that Christian people will buy them in quantity. If the “ religious record” division of a “major label” is not successful, it is no great problem to the company. They merely discon­ tinue the line. But with a religious record company it is disastrous. Since I have worked for two of the above mentioned companies, I want to assume a neutral and fair position and will close the discussion on “ com­ panies” by stating that if you, as a Christian, would like more and better recorded sacred music, then purchase what is now available by the artists of your choice regardless of the com­ pany that is releasing the record. The Artists — A good artist in the

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MESSAGE TO ISRAEL, Inc. B O X 682, G .P.O., N EW Y O R K 1, N. Y.

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