King's Business - 1959-03

T E E W A G E I IS — It's Vor You!

Teen-agers, things are coming your way at last! It you have wondered why there was nothing special for you in the King's Business, forget it. Beginning as soon as your letters come in there will be a new column for YOU, and YOU alone. HERE'S THE SCOOP: We have asked Mrs. Betty Bruechert to answer your questions in a column entitled, A U N T BETTY T A LK S W ITH TEEN-AGERS. She has had years of experience as a pastor's wife, young people's worker, Sunday School and Bible teacher, editor and secretary, but her chief qualifications for this task are first of all, a love for the Lord, and second, a love for teen-agers whom she calls her "favorite people". You can depend upon her sympathy for you and interest in you. HERE ARE THE RULES: 1. Letters must be from genuine teen-agers— 13 to 19 years of age in­ clusive. 2. Letters must include full name, address and age, but only the first name will be used in the column. 3. Letters will be treated as strictly confidential. 4. Letters must be in good taste. 5. Letters should deal primarily with the problems of Christian teen-agers. Perhaps your letter will be the very first one to be answered. So get going! Address them to: TALKS W ITH TEEN-AGERS, The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California. Aunt Betty

THE LITTLE GIANT HOTOMATIC Gas Water Heater No. 3 Will supply all the hot water needed for Baptistries, Church Kitchens, Rest Rooms. Heats 450 GPH, 20° rise in temperature. Inexpensive, too. Write for free folder. Dept. KB-22 LITTLE GIANT MFG. CO. 907 7th Street Orange, Texas

UNUSUAL MISSIONARY OPPORTUNITY TO assist with your tithes and offerings in a Chris­ tian maternity shelter for unmarried mothers and their babies seeking to rehabilitate lives, and bring about a change through personal relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ. It rite fo r Brochure HEARTSEASE HOME FOR WOMEN AND BABIES 413 EAST 51st STREET, NEW YORK 22, N. Y. Please mention "King's Business" when writing to advertisers. A New Broadcasting Voice for Southern California K B B I F M 107.5 mgs. * * *

M A R R IA G E (continued) thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” —2 Cor. 6:14-18 There is no mistaking these words, and to deliberately fly in the face of God’s Word and to marry an unbe­ liever is to invite the disfavor of God, and can result in nothing but unhap­ piness and tragedy in the days that lie ahead. Thirdly, a mixed marriage will usually be an unhappy marriage. The believer will have to give up many precious beliefs and make many con­ cessions which are contrary to con­ science in order to keep peace in the family. The two individuals naturally will have different likes.- The old man of the flesh does not want the things of the spirit, and the things of the spirit do not want the things of the flesh. Paul says, “The flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit lust­ eth against the flesh, and these two are contrary the one to the other.” An unbeliever is still in the flesh and knows not the truth of God, while the believer is a new creation, and there­ fore, is to separate himself from the things of the world and from the flesh. If the believer is truly bom again, he or she will long for God’s people, for the ministry of the Word, while the unbeliever will find these things not

only empty but absolutely obnoxious, and seek only for worldly pleasures. Marriage to an unbeliever makes it absolutely impossible to live up to the requirements which God lays down in this particular passage. God orders us to withdraw ourselves even from Christians who walk disorderly. How much more, from those who are not believers! How much more is He displeased when those who profess to belong to Him only, enter into this relationship with infidels. The tastes and the likes and dislikes, and the longings and the desires of the two are diametrically opposed the one to the other. In conclusion, let me remind you then, that one of the primary causes of unhappiness and tragedy, broken homes, divorce, and delinquent chil­ dren, is failure on the part of God’s people to observe the prohibition of the unequal yoke. Mixed marriages gender more divorces than anything else in the world. Let us remember it, and submit ourselves to the Word of God. If any of you young people are contemplating the marriage con­ tract now, be sure that you find out God’s will, and be absolutely certain that you are marrying in the will of God, and then you have a right to expect His blessing upon a long and happy and prosperous career. Watch for another article on this subject by the same author appearing in next month's issue.

Target date for going on the air M A R . X, 1959 * * * "The complete broadcasting station dedicated to the Spiritual development of the Christian home.” * * * S P O N S O R E D B Y

Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.



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