King's Business - 1959-03

DOES CHRIST LIVE IN YOUR HOME? Christian Family Worship 30 minutes - Rentol $9 Large Film Catalog Free on Request ( Give name of your church)

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fêeUÿÎAUA piU ttA F I L M S T R I P S — S UPPLI ES 1 4 6 3 V I N E S T R E E T Hollywood 28, California

L e t m e tell you how God taught me to give. I will never forget it. It was a lesson that has remained with me to this day. I had been pastor of a large Presby­ terian Church in the City of Toronto. Presently one day I resigned and, finally, I became pastor of a church that knew how to give in a way I had never known. I commenced my pastorate on the first Sunday of January, at a time when they were holding their An­ nual Missionary Convention. Now I knew nothing about a convention. I had never seen one in all my life. I didn’t know the first thing to do. So I just sat there on the platform and watched. The ushers were going up and down the aisles giving out envelopes. Presently, to my amazement, one of the ushers had the audacity to walk right up the aisle and hand me — the pastorjjglli one of the envelopes. I sat there holding it in my hand. Never will I forget that moment. I can still remember it as though it were yester­ day. As I held it I read it: “ In depend­ ence upon God I will endeavor to give toward the Missionary Work of the Church $........... during the coming year.” I had never read such a state­ ment before. It was the first time in my life that I had ever been in a mis­ sionary convention. I did not know that that morning God was going to deal with me and teach me a lesson that I was never to forget, and that I was to teach to scores of other church­ es all over the country in the years to come. At first I started to pray. I said, “ Lord God, I can’t do anything. You know I have nothing. I haven’t a cent in the bank. I haven’t anything in my pocket. This church only pays me $25.00 a week. I have a wife and child to keep. We are trying to buy our home, and everything is sky-high in price.” All that was true. The first World War was on. “ I know that,” the Lord said. “ I know you are only getting $25.00 a week. I know you have nothing in your pocket and nothing in the bank.” “Well, then,” I continued, “ that

settles it. I have nothing to give and I cannot give anything.” It was then the Lord spoke. I will never forget it. “ I am not asking you for what you have,” He said. “ You are not asking me for what I have, Lord? Then what are you asking?” I replied. “ I am asking you for a Faith Offer­ ing. How much can you trust Me for?” “ Oh, Lord,” I exclaimed, “ that’s different. How much can I trust Thee Now, of course, I knew nothing at all about a Faith Offering. I had never given such an offering in my life. But I knew the Lord was speak­ ing. I thought He might say $5.00 or perhaps even $10.00. Once in my life, as a Presbyterian minister, I had given $5.00 for Missions. Once in my life I had given $3.00. Also once in my life I had given $2.00. But never at any time had I given more than $5.00. I almost trembled as I waited for the answer. Presently it came. Now I am not going to ask you to believe that God spoke to me in an audible voice, but He might just as well have done so. I was scarcely conscious of the con­ gregation, as I sat there with my eyes for?” " H e Giveth More G race " “He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater; He sendeth more strength when the labors increase; To added affliction H e addeth His mercy; To multiplied trials He multiplies peace.” closed, listening to the Voice of God. God was dealing with me that morn­ ing, though I did not realize it at the time. “How much can I give?” I asked “ Fifty dollars.” “ Fifty dollars,” I exclaimed. “Why, Lord, that’s two weeks’ salary. How can I ever get $50.00?” But again the Lord spoke and it was still the same amount. It was just as clear to me as though He had

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