King's Business - 1960-12


Twenty-Five Cents




T P lm e K i n g s 3 = 3 u L £B ir~ A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board DECEMBER, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 51, No. 12 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home tak TH E INCOMPARABLE CHRIST —

KING'S BUSINESS Christmas Presentation ................................. 13 A PHYSICIAN LOOKS A T THE VIRGIN BIRTH — L. Nelson Bell .. 14 TH E TRUE MEAN ING OF CHRISTMAS — Oswald J. Smith ........... 16 FROM ETERN ITY TO EARTH — Robert G. Lee ................................. 17 N O R O OM FOR HIM IN THE INN — Charles L. Feinberg ............ 18 W H A T G IFT FOR A KING — F. B. Meyer ........................................... 20 HOW TO BUILD YOUR CHURCH LIBRARY — Mrs. Wilbur J. Antisdale ................................................................... 24 GOD'S TREES — Helen Frazee-Bower .................................................... 44 GOSPEL SOWERS — Pearl Johnson ......................................................... 50

MESSAGE FROM TH E EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ................ 10 DR. TALBO T'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T . Talbot ....................... 32 TA LK ING IT OVER — Clyde M . Narramore ........................................ 34 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ................................... 35 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ........................................ 36 SCIENCE AND TH E BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ........................... 37 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert .............................................. ............. 38 TH E CHR ISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles ............................................. 42 JUN IOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker ....................... 46 ALUMN I NEWS — Inez McGahey ....... ........... .................................. 49 ColuMU READER REACTION ...................................................................................... 6 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ............................................................................... 8 NUGGETS OF GOLD .................................................................................... 31 HOM ILETICAL HELPS .................................................................................. 33 TOW N AND CAMPUS NEWS ................................................................... 48 (W If is the sincere hope and prayer of the entire KING'S BUSINESS staff that this issue of our 50 year old publication may be especially blest of the Lord. May the cover remind us not of tinsel, wrappings, and gay festivities, but of God's "Unspeakable Gift," the Lord Jesus Christ.

— All Rights Reserved —

S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor A L SANDERS: Managing Editor


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JA N E M. CLARK: Circulation Manager

JERRY JENSEN: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD Irene Boyd, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton

ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los A n­ geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

SUBSCRIPTION IN FORM ATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50 six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. W rite for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REM ITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business."




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reader reaction

HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF I am writing to commend you for your splendid editorial on history repeating it­ self (August 1960). It is certainly high time that our fundamental leaders speak out against the devasting trends which have become so apparent within the so- called evangelical church in recent years. Satan’s attack against the inerrancy of the Word of God 50 years ago came from outside the evangelical body. The tragic thing today is that the assaults are com­ ing from within the ranks of those who have claimed to be evangelical. God bless you, your school and your magazine, for the stand which you have taken. May it encourage other papers in these fields to do likewise. Horace F. Dean, President, Christ for America, Philadelphia, Pa. COMMENTS OF GOVERNOR In this morning’s mail I received copies of THE KING’S BUSINESS which carried my article, “The Truly Satisfying Life.” Thank you for making copies of your pub­ lication available to me. I am taking them home this evening for my leisure reading as I know I will enjoy the many articles you have published. Mark O. Hatfield, Governor, State of Oregon. DISLIKES RELIGIOUS ISSUE Dear R eligious B igot : This letter is a protest against your savage, uncalled for exercise in uncon­ trolled resentment against Mr. Kennedy (KING’S BUSINESS October, 1960). Your kind of “thinking” is a relic of a by-gone era. Get with us man, this is the 20th Century. P.S. Ask the Lord for a broader outlook on things; you need it. Sol T. Waters I was shocked to read an article in an Episcopalian magazine doing what you accuse the Roman Catholics of doing, namely interferring or expressing views on political subjects. Kindly do not send me any further issues of your magazine. Nina Ballantyne, Van Nuys, Calif. E ditor ’ s N ote : THE KING’S BUSINESS 50 year old publication of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles , is entirely non- denominational. Students from 20 differ­ ent denominations attend our four schools. Biola and the KB are fundamental , evan­ gelical, pre-millennial missionary-minded organizations. COMM ENT ON ELECTION I want to heartily commend your article in THE KING’S BUSINESS for October, 1960. You have presented the importance of the forthcoming presidential election in a manner which I wish could be circu­ lated across the whole country. I con­ gratulate you for your courage in stating the facts as we must face them. I am sure your article will do a great deal of good. David H. Johnson, General Director, The Evan­ gelical Alliance Mission, 2845 W. McLean Ave., Chicago 47, Illinois.

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Rev. Billy Hargrove, secretary of the Southern Baptist Home Mission Board department of survey and special studies, announced a census of more than a million and a half persons from Palm Beach to Key West, as a prelude to the Billy Graham Greater Miami Crusade March 4-26, 1961. Forty thousand members participated in the effort. Rev. Basil Costerisan, missionary with Orient Crusades and Biola graduate, has recently completed a survey of the southern portion of the Philip­ pine islands. He discovered that some 6,000 Indonesians reside there and need a positive witness of the gospel. Mr. W . Glenn McMahan and Mr. John S. Ryan have received appointments for field service by Wheaton College. They will serve as Western and New England-New York representatives respectively. The announcement was made by Mr. David L. Roberts, director of Public Relations for the College. Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse, editor-in- chief of Eternity magazine and speak­ Rev. J. O. Percy, executive secretary of the Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association, has announced that more than 25 key speakers will be featured this month during the Congress on World Missions, Decem­ ber 4-11 at the Moody Church, Chi­ cago, Illinois. Sobering facts are that out of 2,852,000,000 world population, only 200,000,000 are Protestants. Rev. Erwin W . Raetz, for six years a missionary in Korea, has been ap­ pointed to head up the overseas min­ istries of World Vision, Inc. After finishing a one year furlough in the United States, the Raetzs will return to the Orient in the spring of 1961. Rev. Harry Saulnier, superintendent of the Pacific Garden Mission, Chi­ cago, hosted a special meeting in honor of the historic skid row light­ house’s 83rd anniversary. Mr. Jack O'Dell, director of PGM’s radio, “Un­ shackled,” introduced a new film of the mission’s operation. Dr. Barnhouse er of the network radio p r o g r a m , “ The Bible Study H o u r,” p a s s e d away November 5 i n Philadelphia. D r . Barnhouse, a graduate of Biola, under went brain surgery October 8.

Mr. Harold DeCou, gospel pianist and organist, has been added to the staff of Youth for Christ International. Formerly with Dr. Jack Wyrtzen, De­ Cou will help to produce special music for YFC local rallies through­ out the country. Dr. Percy B. Crawford, founder-direc­ tor of King’s College and the Pine- brook Foundation, Inc., entered into the presence of the L o r d October 31 after a heart attack October 28. D r . Crawford, a gradu­ ate of Biola, distin­ guished h i m s e l f through the nation­ wide radio broad­ casts of the Young People’s Church of the Air which were later some of the first religious pro- Dr. Crawford grams to be seen on television. In re­ cent years, Dr. and Mrs. Crawford have been active in a series of daily radio programs. He also was led to start a number of FM radio stations, in addition to the establishment of a Christian television station in Phila- delphia. He was buried at the Pine- brook Bible Conference Grounds at a special memorial service November 5. Dr. Bob Jones, Jr., president of Bob Jones University, will personally con­ duct a 17-day tour of the Holy Land, February 20 to March 9, 1961. The tour is especially arranged for pastors and laymen who cannot be away for a longer period of time. Mr. Floyd Thatcher, president of Cow­ man Publications, has been on a fact finding survey of Japan, Korea, For­ mosa, Hong Kong and the Philip­ pines. The purpose is to discover ways by which the ministry of the printed page may have an even greater area of publication. Dr. Arnold T . Olson, president of the Evangelical Free Church of America, has announced the purchase of land in Richfield, Minnesota for the future international headquarters of the or­ ganization. The denomination has some 468 churches with 150 foreign missionaries. Dr. Allan Hart Jahsmann, author of the family devotional book, “ Little Visits with God,” has just completed a volume of songs for children, “ Little Children, Sing to God!” Both volumes are published by Concordia Publish­ ing House.

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T h e F a t h e r ’s s i l e n c e

in the stillness of the first Christmas. . . On that first Christmas night, to my way of thinking, when the light shown brightly around the shepherds and they heard the singing of the angels, far beyond in the infinite abyss of heaven beyond the stars, there was a Father’s heart that was broken. The angels could sing; the shepherds could rejoice and run to Bethlehem’s manger; but the Father said nothing. His Son had gone to die. He was bom in Bethlehem to die on Calvary’s Cross. Thus reverently and softly we read again Romans 8:32 which has become my favorite Christmas text: He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all,


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A by: re: "blind-spot MESSAGE from the editor Samuel H. n

Sutherland in Christian giving

There are three phases in the lives of all Christian workers, and particularly in the case of missionaries and ministers. The first phase is pre-college age, when the prospective mis­ sionary or minister is a youngster. The church spends much time and money and effort in providing a Christian education program designed to train up the child in the way that he should go. Splendid recrea­ tional f a c i l i t i e s are built; wherever possible, a director of young people's work is provided; every ef­

p le a s e p ray f o r the nine m illion peop le in the


T O K Y O CRUSADE May 6 through June 5/(961

DR. BOB PIERCE, President W O R L D V I S I O N , I N C . , A o x 0. Pasadena, Calif, or World Vision of Canada, Box 181 -K, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

fort is made to attract the child and the high school young person into the life of the local church. Upon completion of his high school training, the young person is sent off to college or some institution of higher learning in order to be especially trained for his life's work. This con­ stitutes the second phase of his life. The third phase is made up of actual service which that individual renders in the years following his formal training. In this third phase of the Christian worker's life, the church likewise spends a great deal of time and money. In conservative circles, much is made of giving to foreign missionary work. Appeals are constantly made in behalf of the missionaries who are out on the field or who are desirous of getting onto the field. Likewise the church of Jesus Christ is deeply concerned about the pre-college life of its young people and it is deeply interested in the missionary life of those young people who have been called of the Lord to go into foreign missionary service. But, also, there is all too frequently a rather indifferent, if not actually antago­ nistic, attitude shown whenever a request comes to the local church for aid in this second phase — the actual preparation of these young people for missionary service. But it is this phase— the central phase— of an individ­ ual's life that determines the kind of person he will be

This command of the Risen Christ is being carried out through the media of about 50 radio stations from coast to coast and several foreign stations. Heard in State of Israel. Many write for the Prophecy Edi­ tion New 'Testament. These are followed up by mail and personal calls whenever possible. Classes are held where Jewish people gather in homes. Some are finding Christ as Saviour-Messiah. We covet your prayerful support. Send for free copy of your maga­ zine, MESSAGE TO ISRAEL. Coulson Shepherd, Director (FOUNDED 1937)

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and the type of service he will render. And, strangely enough, this constitutes the "blind spot" in Christian thinking and giving. For instance, the number of churches contributing directly to the work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., is appallingly few. BIOLA is endeav­ oring in every way possible to provide adequate training for the young people who attend this school, so that they will be thoroughly prepared and equipped to do outstand­ ing work for our Lord Jesus Christ in the years ahead. But training costs are high. In some liberal arts schools where tuition charges are relatively high it is estimated that the student pays for approximately one-half the cost of his education. However, BIOLA's tuition charge, at the present time, is only slightly more than half of the aver­ age tuition fees in liberal arts colleges. For that reason our students pay for less than one-third the cost of their training. The remainder of the cost must be borne by friends of the school who are vitally interested in the training program which is offered here. In other words, for every dollar that the student provides for his training, we must receive at least three more dollars in donated funds to complete his training cost. It is a source of great satisfaction to our hearts that so many thousands of Christians do contribute toward the work of training the hundreds of outstanding consecrated young people who come to BIOLA. But it is also a source of continuing concern on our part because we do not as yet have enough such contributing friends to enable the work to proceed without handicap. Students are coming to us in increasing numbers, and we are profoundly thankful for this. However, each student is a financial liability whose training must be provided for through gifts of dedicated Christian friends. The expenses involved in getting children and high school young people safely through the first phase of their lives, froto a Spiritual standpoint, is extremely impor­ tant. And of course it is also extremely vital to provide funds for missionaries who are already on the fields of service. But, new recruits are in constant demand; they must be trained. It is imperative, therefore, that God's people recognize this responsibility in order that the whole program of Christian service may be prepared for ade­ quately. The prayers of Christians everywhere are earnest­ ly requested in behalf of Christian institutions of higher learning, and, if possible, these prayers should be backed up by financial support in order that these schools, such as BIOLA, may continue to function without handicap. Let us, as individuals and churches, by the grace of God, rid our spiritual eyes of this "blind spot" in thinking and giving.

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Pray For...

The Billy Graham

Greater Miami Crusade

A new decade of evangelistic endeavor begins in 1961. The significant promise of the 50’s has been achieved because thousands of prayer partners around the world were willing to fulfil their responsi­ bility. They were willing to pray. Because they are confident that your prayer support w ill continue, the Billy Graham Team dares to move forward in this new undertake new cru­ attempt to reach additional thousands for Jesus Christ. The crusades in Flo rida...centered In Miami but reaching the entire S ta te ... will launch the new decade. For the first three months of 1961, the focal point of the Team’s evangelistic ministry will be M iam i. Here it is that the p rayers of C h ristian s around the world must be centered. With the population increase of 76.7% since 1950—the largest in the nation— Florida has moved to the fore in areas of significance in the present history of our country. In Florida’s burgeoning cities there Is vast potentialforspiritual achieve­ ment. New liv e s...n ew fam ilie^ hom communities are every­ where. To meet these respon sib ilities is the challenge which the Billy Graham Team, together with the churches of Florida, has accepted. The resultant impact upon the life of the State—and the Nation—can be history-making. Do you dare to fail In your responsibility to pray?

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TV /T ore than nineteen hundred years ago there was a Man bom contrary - L t o the laws of life. This Man lived in poverty and was reared in ob­ scurity. He did not travel extensively. Only once did He cross the boundary of the country in which He lived; that was during His exile in childhood. He possessed neither wealth nor influence. His relatives were inconspicu­ ous, and had neither training nor formal education. In infancy He startled a king; in childhood He puzzled doctors; in man­ hood He ruled the course of nature, walked upon the billows as if pavements, and hushed the sea to sleep. He healed the multitudes without medicine and made no charge for His service. He never wrote a book, and yet all the libraries of the country could not hold the books that have been written about Him. He never wrote a song, and yet He has furnished the theme for more songs than all the songwriters combined. He never founded a college, but all the schools put together cannot boast of having as many students. He never marshalled an army, nor drafted a soldier, nor fired a gun; and yet no leader ever had more volunteers who have, under His orders, made rebels stack arms and surrender without a shot fired. He never practiced psychiatry, and yet He has healed more broken hearts than all the doctors far and near. Once each week the wheels of commerce cease their turning and multi­ tudes wend their way to worshiping assemblies to pay homage and respect to Him. The names of the past proud statesmen of Greece and Rome have come and gone. The names of the past scientists, philosophers, and theologians have come and gone; but the name of this Man abounds more and more. Though time has spread nineteen hundred years between the people of this generation and the scene of His crucifixion, yet He still lives. Herod could not destroy Him, and the grave could not hold Him. He stands forth upon the highest pinnacle of heavenly glory, proclaimed of God, acknowledged by angels, adored by saints, and feared by devils, as the living, personal Christ, our Lord and Saviour.


I n our C hristian faith and heritage there are certain doctrines which are held to be essential, such as the deity of our Lord, His virgin birth, His atoning work on the cross, His bodily resurrection, and His return in glory. Because of their importance, Christians should have an intelligent understanding of these doctrines and as occasion arises be ready to “ give an answer to every man that asketh,” an answer which will be accurate and help­ ful. (.1) W e believe in the virgin birth because the Bible states plainly and unequivocally that Jesus was born of a virgin. Both Matthew and Luke give the background and details of the event with wonderful delicacy and with unmistakable clarity. Luke is thought to have had his story directly from Mary. Matthew may have gotten his information from Joseph. Matthew states categorical­ ly that the virgin birth was a direct fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy. To the evangelical believer these clear state­ ments are sufficient. (2) W e believe in the virgin birth because the doctrine was held in unbroken sequence in the Church until the rise of the modem higher critical school which is charac­ terized by its questioning, or denying of the supernatural and the miraculous. This divergence from the evangeli­ cal faith began in Germany during the nineteenth cen­ tury and has continued down to our own day, English and American theological circle not having escaped its influence. While tradition is not infallible, nevertheless the fact that belief in the virgin birth has come to us down through the centuries, from those who lived closest to those early events, is a matter of evidence which carries great weight. (3) W e believe in the virgin birth because it is the only logical explanation of the incarnation —the union of deity and humanity in one person. Dr. James Orr, noted professor at the United Free College in Glasgow, once wrote: “Among those who reject the virgin birth I

do not know a single one who takes, in other respects, an adequate view of the person and work of the Saviour. It is well for us to consider the sobering fact that when one tampers with the great doctrines of Christianity, particularly those having to do with the person and work of our Lord, one does not pull out a doctrine here and there and leave an unimpaired Christ. A careful reading of God’s Word makes it abundantly clear that these great truths hang together and they also fit together perfectly.” (4) W e believe in the virgin birth because it is not one whit rrtore remarkable than the bodily resurrection of our Lord, the very keystone of our hope of eternity and also one of the best attested facts of history. Our faith does not stagger at the glorious truth that our Saviour died for our sins and arose for our justification. Nor should it hold back when faced with the record of how He came into the world. If we look at the record of Christ in retro­ spect—His life, miracles, teachings, claims, death, resur­ rection and ascension—we see that His virgin birth fits perfectly into the picture and it is the only logical ex­ planation of His entrance into the world. (5) W e believe in the virgin birth because the One who was born was the Creator of the world, and He now comes back to redeem it from His own. It is no idle tale that, “ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not any­ thing that was made.” In the supernatural course of events it is only logical that He should come in a super­ natural manner. (6) W e are convinced as to the fact of the virgin birth because there is no other possible explanation of the psychology involved: the reactions of those intimately associated with the event. The internal evidences here are so overwhelming that this factor cannot be overesti- mated. Remember the strict Jewish law with reference to espousal; as binding as marriage itself. Remember










by L. Nelson Bell, M.D.

But probably the crowning evidence is seen in Mary’s behavior at the cross. Throughout the years she had car­ ried in her heart the knowledge of His supernatural con­ ception. Now she sees Him being nailed to the cross and her heart yearns as only a mother’s can. How gladly would she have saved him. But stop! Why is He being crucified? It is because He has claimed to be the Son of God. If He was now being crucified because He was deluded, because He was mistaken, Mary would cer­ tainly have cried out: “Wait, oh, wait; He is not telling the truth, I will tell you who His father is; he is . . .” But she held her peace, because in her heart she knew of His divine origin. (7) W e believe in the virgin birth because Christ was pre-existent with the Father, “ whose goings forth have been from old, from everlasting.” In the days of His flesh He asserted that He was the Son of God, the Messiah. He accepted worship from men and He performed miracles to prove His right to be recognized as Deity. The virgin birth is but a part of His pre-existence, life, death, resur­ rection, ascension, present work, and future coming in glory. (8) Finally, we believe in the virgin birth because of the awful alternative. If He was not virgin-bom, then the Bible lies, and instead of a divinely inspired revelation we have a pious fraud. If He was not virgin bom, then His mother was a promiscuous and dishonest woman and He was an illegitimate son. If He was not virgin bom, then He Himself was deluded, and the entire structure of His person and work is undermined, and we become of all men most miserable. In stating our faith in the virgin birth of our Lord we accept it as a part of His supernatural Self—a part of the history of the One who said: “ I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.”

also the Jewish law with reference to adultery, a be­ trothed person to be punished with death, if found guilty, just as though the marriage ceremony had taken place. What about Mary? It would have been impossible for her to hide the fact. Furthermore, she would have had to face the accusation of her own relatives and acquaint­ ances, and do so before the responsible priest of that time, Zacharias himself. Rather than hide her condition she went and with great joy told her cousin Elizabeth. Furthermore, her own reaction shows the purity and innocency of her heart. She does not cringe at the an­ nouncement but does ask a searching pertinent question; she asks how this can be biologically possible. “ Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?” Only God’s Holy Spirit could have directed the reply of the angel, a statement so absolute in its clarity and meaning that any can understand, and yet so pure in its implication that any young girl can read it without a blush: “And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be bom of thee shall be called the Son of God.” Mary’s reaction to this statement, which she accepted but could not fully understand, was in itself a wonderful submission to something which could have become an intolerable ordeal: “ Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.” And later: “Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.” But what about Joseph? Here too we see a miracle of grace. Through faith he accepted a situation which he could not apprehend. God knew the perplexing and dis­ tressing problem that he faced as the espoused husband of Mary, and God spoke to him by a direct revelation, just as He had to Mary.




b y Oswald J■ Smith, L itt

N early two thousand years ago there was bom in Bethlehem of Judea a Babe whose life was destined to affect countless millions. That Babe was Jesus Christ. The time was ripe for His birth. Roman roads had been built throughout the civilized world in preparation for the feet of His future messengers. The Greek language had become universal in readiness for the proclamation of His Gospel. The people among whom He was bom were poor and despised, having been conquered by the Roman power. In the heart of every man was a cry for deliver­ ance. The world knew not of His birth. Work went on as usual. There was no tremendous upheaval announcing a new order. Kings and Potentates continued to rule as before. Nothing outwardly heralded His Advent into the world. Only Heaven appeared to be interested. In fact, God had to arrange a welcome for Himself, and so legions of angels circled the skies and heralded His birth. Wise men from the East, studying the stars, and observing an un­ usual phenomenon in the heavens, came with their gifts from afar. Rulers learned of His birth and became fearful and afraid. Anger filled their hearts. Murder was conceived and executed. Fearful of losing their power, they sought His death by every possible means. Every diabolical plan that satanic ingenuity could devise was used to destroy Him. Demons trembled. Satan became enraged. A ll hell was allied again Him. But God was watching and He lived in spite of it all.

He did not come to a palace with marble halls and carpeted stairs. No luxurious bed chamber was prepared for His birth. Neither nurses nor doctors were in attend­ ance. Cathedral bells failed to toll; bands were silent. No royal choruses burst forth in song. Only the heavenly orchestras were heard. He came to a stable, and was laid in a manger. He was destined, however, to be recognized by count­ less millions as the greatest of all prophets, the mightiest of all the mighty, the Saviour of the world, God incar­ nate. And now for nearly two thousand years His birth has been commemorated. More than nineteen hundred Christ­ mas days have come and gone since that never-to-be-for­ gotten night, and boys and girls, as well as men and women the world over, have kept sacred the memory of His birth. God grant that throughout the land hearts may be turned to Christ as Saviour and received through Him the gift of eternal life, not only to the Babe bom so long ago, but to the One who lives today and lives to save. For He it is who became flesh and dwelt amongst us. He, the resurrected, living Christ of God, was the Babe of Bethlehem’s manger. God commendeth His love toward us through the gift of His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Make this Gift yours this Christmas Day and rejoice with the Lord, who said, “ He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life ?” (John 5:24).


fuom heaven

m a n Q e R

b y Robert G . L ee, D .D .

npHESE shepherds —poor, honest, industrious—were not leaders of armies, not expounders of philosophies, not advocates of political theories, not bankers counting > piles of money—rather, just throwers of stones to keep the wolves away, watchers of their flocks. To these who were dutifully diligent in their common tasks, the good news was first announced. To the shepherds the angel of the Lord said, “ Fear not . . . For unto you is born . . . a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10, 11). To these same shepherds a multitude from the heavenly choir sang, “ Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14). The information God gave, the shepherds wisely put into action immediately. Not the delay of a week, nor a day, nor an hour, nor a minute. The Saviour of men bom in the city of David? “ Let us go and see Him now.” A Not when a more convenient time presents itself. Not after we go home and talk it over with our families. But NOW. Not after we visit again the sheep markets. But NOW. Not when we make sure no wolves will attack our sheep. But NOW. Not when we make sure no money will be lost. But NOW. The wise men made the same improvement of their information. In a distant country . they saw His star and followed its direction, defiant of all distances, discouraged by no vast expanse, downcast by no far reach of miles. “ They came with haste.” To inquire after Jesus, to see Jesus, to serve Jesus, to follow Jesus is our first business— the one thing most important­ ly needful. ► *

Christ was holy, undefiled, separate from sinners, fit to become sin for us because He knew no sin. Jesus is God manifest in the flesh. Having glory with God before the world began, loved by the Father before the foundation of the world. Jesus Christ was virgin bom. When Mary, over-shadowed by the power of the highest, went down into the mysterious land of motherhood, she came back holding in her arms the eternal Son of God! Christ’s virgin birth, on which rests the credibility of the Scriptures and the sinlessness of Jesus, is the Alpha of our Christian faith. Accept that, and all else rightly follows. What was the grand design of the Saviour’s birth? The redemption, by His death, of fallen, guilty, help­ less man. That was why He came. “God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law” (Galatians 4:4, 5). He was named Jesus, because He came to “ save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). There is something sublime and delightful in the SAVIOUR. As the shepherds and the wise men on the first Christ­ mas Day made haste to come unto the Saviour, will you not hasten to the cross and see there the Christ who died for you? “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). This is the story of Christmas: “ God so loved the world, that he GAVE his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).



NO KO OM FOK Hl by Charles L. Feinberg, Th.D., Ph.D.

“ A ND SHE brought forth her firstborn son; and she ■I j L wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7). Censuses were taken by order of the Roman govern­ ment for the purpose of imposing a poll-tax. Every in­ dividual had to be enrolled in his native town or city. In Mary’s condition the journey would of necessity be a slow one. Before they arrived in Bethlehem, the small village, for it amounted to that, was well crowded. There was rarely more than one inn in such a small place. When the inn was full, Mary had to go with Joseph to the stable. There she laid the Child when He was bom (the bread of life from heaven) in the manger where the animals were fed. Some tell us that no inhospitality was intended. Joseph had not made any previous arrange­ ments, possibly depending upon the hospitality of a friend whose guest-chamber was occupied when Joseph arrived. But beyond these simple facts there are great truths for our own hearts. No matter how many times it is repeated the fact is still strange and startling, that after so many promises of His coming, and even though the angels even now were heralding His birth with praises from heaven, He would come so unnoticed and unrecognized. When He came and was refused an abiding lodging-place, it was so that He might open heaven to us not for a temporary visit, but as our eternal abode and inheritance.

NO ROOM FOR CHRIST IN HIS DAY John has rightly recorded, “He came unto his own, and they that were his own received him not” (Jn. 1:11). Nazareth had no room for Him. When He came into the synagogue at Nazareth where He had been accustomed to attend, He was given the prophecy of Isaiah to read. After He had read the great Messianic prophecy of Isaiah 61:1, 2 and applied it to Himself, the enraged multitude led Him to the brow of the hill where the city was built, in order to cast Him down headlong (Luke 4: 29). No, Nazareth had no room for Him. Furthermore, Capernaum had no room for Him. When He had cast out the demons from the two possessed of these evil spirits in the country of the Gadarenes, there was no small stir over the matter. As a result the whole city turned out, not to greet nor acclaim the great Sovereign over all spirits, but to beseech Him to depart from their borders! (Mt. 8:34). Strange obsession was this! No, Capernaum had no room for Him. Moreover, Samaria had no room for Him. When the Lord Jesus Christ knew that the hour of His departure from this world had come, He set His face as a flint to go up to Jerusalem to die for sinners at Calvary. When His messenger went ahead to prepare the way for Him through a village of the Samaritans, they would not re­ ceive Him, because of His determination to carry on through to Jerusalem (Lk. 9:53). No, Samaria had no room for Him. Again, Judea had no room for Him. The brethren of our Lord could go up to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast in accepted manner, even the Feast of Tabernacles, but He would not walk in Judea for they were seeking to kill Him. He was not wanted at the heart of the religious life of the nation (Jn. 7:1). No, Judea had no room for Him. In His lifetime He had not where to lay His head, though the foxes have holes and the birds of the heaven have their nests (Mt. 8:20). When it came to His death, He died on the Cross, as though there was no room for Him on earth or in heaven. There He was utterly alone.

“Wrapped in His swaddling bands, And in His manger laid, The hope and glory of all lands Is come to the world’s aid.

No peaceful home upon His cradle smiled, Guests rudely went and came where slept the royal Child.” —Keble Not only was there no room for Christ at His birth, but there was



The loneliness of Christ was real and ever-present. He was truly despised and rejected of men (Isa. 53:3). It was one thing for Christ not to be admitted into the inn at His birth; it was sad indeed for Him to find so little room in the hearts of men during His earthly ministry; but it is equally true that there is today NO ROOM FOR CHRIST IN THE HEARTS OF MANY WHO PROFESS HIM Just as Christ was crowded out of the life of Martha by her many duties, so He finds no room in the hearts of many who claim to know Him now (Lk. 10:43). He is crowded out by the cares of this world. Men are so busy with worrying about this and that, with the result that Christ is excluded from the mind which has so many thoughts flowing through it each day. Sicknesses, losses, burdens, fears, and anxieties do their work of crowding Christ from the hearts of many who claim to have a knowledge of Him. Then pleasures have the same effect. Men can so revel in the things of this life and be so engrossed in them, that they lose sight of eternal things. The duties of life have a way of multiplying upon us. Business problems and matters of career so fill the hori­ zon, that there is no time left for Christ or the things dear to Him. Alas, sin has its own peculiar and effective power to push Christ from the center of the life. It has been found that those who have no room for Christ are many times harboring some sin which they are unwilling to give up. When Christ is admitted into His rightful place, He crowds everything else out. When the other things are admitted first, they crowd Him out. The effect of sin in a man’s life, whether he be a professed follower of Christ or not, is like the effect produced by allowing a single drop of ink to fall into a glass of pure water, which almost imperceptibly contaminates the whole. Would that we were like the soldier of Napoleon’s army who was wounded one day by a bullet that entered his breast above his heart. He was carried to the rear, and the surgeon was probing the wound with his knife, when the soldier finally said, “ An inch deeper, and you will find the emperor.” Christ’s name should be on our hearts and in our hearts. Finally, we know full well as we look about us, whether at the Christmas season or throughout the year, that there is


In Psalm 10:4 we are told of the unbeliever: “ God is not in all his thoughts.” Look about you and you will find that there is no room for Christ in governmental matters. He is King of kings and Lord of lords, but there is no country where man will allow Him to be entrusted with the affairs of government. Men have no room for Christ in intellectual matters. He is the divine Teacher. Never man spake as He did. All asked from whence He acquired such wisdom as He displayed at all times. But how many unsaved ask Him the way out of their mental conflicts? And what room is given Him in spiritual matters? Some religious leaders, only human, are accorded more weight in spiritual matters than He is. How many heed His desperately important word that all must be bom again in order to see or enter the kingdom of God? (Jn. 3:3). Many are prepared to tell us that they have no need of a Saviour; all that is necessary is an example. When we remember that man is dead in trespasses and sins, we can well imagine the value of offering a corpse an example to follow (Eph. 2:1). The Lord of glory wants the warm inn of our soul. May He find all ready and willing to give Him this place.

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