King's Business - 1960-12

personal evangelism by Benjamin Weiss

MOODY ANNUITIES | are Safe . . . Sound and Satisfying


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. . . and w ith a Moody

A r e y o u a fisherman? Do you find yourself dreaming of sitting along side a mountain stream or by a quiet lake in a secluded spot wait­ ing for the jiggle of your line an­ nouncing a probable bite and catch? You have studied the ways and ap­ petites of fishes, haven’t you? The weather and the time of day or night are also important factors. No incon­ venience or discomfort is too great for a catch of fine trout. Fishing isn’t your occupation, is it? But it is a sort of super-calling for you. This is what you really enjoy doing. You pack your gear as though you were going on a treasure hunt with a pot of gold hidden some­ where, and you know the exact spot. You quicken your step and a sparkle comes into your eyes as you go on a fishing trip. Fishermen are like that. There is something in their lives that they enjoy supremely. It is fishing! There were fishermen who were making their living fishing on the Sea of Galilee. One day Jesus stopped along the shore and called them to become His followers. He said, “ I will make you fishers of men.” He meant that they would have the zest and skill in catching men that they had in catching fish. A surprising thing happened— they left their nets and boats and followed Him for a new kind of fishing. Were they successful? Listen to this, . . . “And the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls” (Acts 2:41). What a catch! Three thousand in one day. That’s fishing. These men weren’t professionals at this work. They were laymen, novices. Ringing in their ears was the last statement of their Mas­ ter, “As my Father has sent me, so send I you” (John 20:21). Did it work? Yes, even Caesar in Rome was disturbed about their zeal and suc­ cess. Are you that kind of a fisherman? Do you also hear the eternal go that the disciples heard? “ Go, I will make you fishers of men.” Do you have a commanding desire in your life to go and catch people for God? Have you looked on the crowds and sensed their deep need of being caught for this abundant life? If you are His disciple, He said it to you also.

Survivorship Annuity 60» y o u and a loved one can enjoy a GENEROUS, UNCHANGING INCOME

P r o v id in g f o r lo v e d o n e s ... When you go to be with the Lord, Moody Survivorship annuities provide your loved ones with the same regular, generous returns that you received during your life­ time. Dividends from securities and other investments may fluctuate, but your Moody annuity returns always remain the same for you and your survivors—regardless of economic conditions. For more than fifty years, the Institute has paid all returns in full and on time. Annuities are not subject to legal controversies—an­ other guarantee that payments will be made in full—and without the delay so often experienced in the administration of estates.

T h e s to r y b e h in d H D o u b le D iv id e n d s " . . . Not only are you assured of a generous income for life with Moody annuities, but you also have the joy and satisfaction of knowing that your dollars are being used to help train missionaries, pastors and other Christian workers. You will also have a share in Moody’s many other soul-winning ministries, including gospel-science films, radio and the world-wide distribution of gospel literature. Write today for FREE b o o k l e t giving the complete story on “Double Dividends ”


Writ«: Annuity Department


MOOD Y B I B L E I N S T I T U T E 820 N. LaSalle Street * Chicago 10, Illinois Dept. K-O-47-1 Please send me, without obligation: □ “ Double Dividends,'* the story of Moody annuity plan. [ ] “Where There’s a Will,'* telling of steward­ ship in relation to wills.

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