King's Business - 1960-12

world newsgrams by James O . Henry Chairman, History Department,

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Red China Hails "Good Old Days" The Communist regime in main­ land China is making a special effort to arouse the patriotic fervor of the people by publicizing anew exploits of the period when the Communists gained power. The move is linked to continuing production problems, par­ ticularly in the fields of agriculture. These problems preclude any early relief from the population’s present regimen of heavy toil, little leisure, and insufficient food. Recent articles in newspapers and magazines have called on the people to “write more and better memoirs of the revolution­ ary struggles,” or to “ write the glorious history of the party in liter­ ary form.” An article in Jenmin Jihpao, official organ of the Com­ munist Party and Mr. Mao, party chairman, said recently, “ It is our responsibility to eulogize the daunt­ less spirit of the revolutionary mar­ tyrs and veterans and to propagate the thought of Mao Tse-tung.” The article added, “We must acquaint the masses today with the hardships of the revolutionary struggle of the past and have them treasure the fruit of victory.” The writer of the article described how he had found that peo­ ple could be made to “forget their fatigue and their hardships” when he recollected his own earlier hardships and the “ perseverance in struggle” shown by some of his comrades. To insure that there will be no deviation from the thought of Mr. Mao, the Communist Party proposes to super­ vise all memoir writing, according to the article in Jenmin Jihpao. The almost complete skeleton of a huge whale that lived 20,000,000 years ago has been uncovered in a small Virginia town. Dr. Nicholas Hotton, Associate curator of fossils of amphibians and reptiles at the Smith­ sonian Institution said the bones, from the Miocene Age, had been found in a sand pit at Tampton, Virginia. The whale was sixty feet long and weighed an estimated fifty tons when alive. Dr. Hotton said the discovery confirmed, by the fossil coral found around the bones, that the seas around Hampton 20,000,000 years ago were as warm as the Caribbean and also that “ whales haven’t changed much in that period.” Whale Skeleton Found Inland in Virginia

Education In The United States Scored

The United States lacks leadership in education that could give depth and direction to the efforts of educa­ tors, Deane W. Malott, President of Cornell University, charged recently. In his annual report Dr. Malott charged that “much that passes for education is inadequate to meet the needs of society.” The report called for a long over due overhauling of the educational system. “ In the last century,” the report said, “ the man­ tle of education has been spread more broadly over our society, has been made to serve more and more pur­ poses, has become diffused to serve the multiple objectives of a popula­ tion in frenetic search of adaptation to a constantly changing world. The result has been the loss of both pat­ tern and educational philosophy.” The report says that this loss is evident in the nation’s secondary schools where “ the educational pro­ gram has become, too often and too much, watered down into abominable trivialities for credit, wherein per­ sonality problems, group and commu­ nity adjustment, marriage and family life, chorus and woodworking, have supplanted solid sequences in science and language and literature.” The report assails the “ bogus lures of courses in life adjustment—whatever that means and is.” Dr. Malott em­ phasizes the fact that “ some of tomor­ row’s leadership has been destroyed to the extent that our secondary schools short-cut the basic fundamen­ tals essential to preparation for col­ lege and university.” Libraries in the Soviet Union may be free, but to borrow books from them is neither a simple nor an en­ tirely private transaction, a Scotish librarian reported recently. M. C. Pottinter, the librarian, was describ­ ing his recent experience in the So­ viet Union to delegates attending the Library Association’s annual confer­ ence at Scarborough, England. He said a Soviet reader was issued a ticket on which he had to record his name, nationality, party membership, oc­ cupation, education, home address, place of work, telephone number, and details of his identity papers. The government keeps a close tab on what its citizens are reading. Soviet Libraries Found Free, But Not So Easy

Gospel Films On free-will offering basis. 150 to choose from. Also write for information about Te l-n - See, the marvelous new medium for mak­ ing and showing movie-like color pictures with synchronized sound on tape, at greatly reduced cost. C. 0 . BAPTISTA FILMS Wheaton, Illinois (A non-profit Christian Foundation) CHRISTIAN PSYCHOLOGY It is a pleasure to announce a l o n g overdue ministry: Christ- centered litera­ ture in the field of psychology. For one y e a r you will receive each month (1) A small month- ly m aga zine p a c k e d with helpful articles on Christian Psychology, and (2) A valu­ able booklet. Booklets: Self-Confidence. How to Handle Fear, Your Courtship and Marriage, Christian View of Birth Control, Adopted Children, Children With Serious Problems, Why a Psychologist Believes the Bible, Married to an Unbeliever, Tech­ niques of Counseling, How to Save Time, Techniques of Teaching, others. A gift of ten dollars toward Dr. Narra- more's national radio and Christian Liter­ ature Ministry, will make you a member, receiving these materials EACH M O N TH for a year. Valuable for daily living, writ- ing, speaking and counseling. Receipt for tax purposes will be sent immediately. This is a non-profit, Christian corporation. (Dr. Norramore, graduate of Columbia Univ., is a credentialed psychologist.) USE THIS ORDER BLANK To: Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, Counsulting Psychologist, Box 206, Pasadena, Calif. Dept. KB $10.00 enclosed for membership .............. $5.00 end. today, $5.00 next month......... NAME: .............................................................. ADDRESS: ____ _______________________



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