King's Business - 1960-12

» ok reviews God Our Contemporary By J. B. Phillips The recovery of true Christianity is the only remedy for the present ma­ terialistic age. A commonly assumed absence of God from immediate hu­ man affairs leads to something of a worship of such things as success, sports, the mysteries of science, and human achievement. Specialization in our day contributes to the loss of the divine perspective and a true spiritual objective. With this basic thesis, the author reviews the distinc- tives of the Christian faith, defends them briefly against unbelief, and calls for a return to a personal com­ mitment to Christ and a re-presenta­ tion of Christianity to the world. Much of the language is philosophi­ cal, but nonetheless understandable. 137 pages; cloth; Macmillan Com­ pany, New York; $2.50. Hyman Appleman says in the in­ troduction that this book ought to be made “ a must for all theological seminaries, for all Bible institutes, for all those who are even slightly interested in God’s ancient people.” The author contends that “ the Gos­ pel is not and cannot be the crown of Rabbinic Judaism . . . The de­ generate Judaism of later Old and New Testament times pointed away from Christ or rather confused its adherents by pointing to itself, so that they missed Christ and forsook His Gospel when proclaimed. The Jew must be brought into the disturb­ ing encounter of contact with the living Christ and true Christian in­ fluence. Then only will he see that Christ and only Christ can fulfill his heart yearnings” (p. 26). Jews have a slight sense of original sin, and this presents a difficulty. Four veils “ hinder Jewish conver­ sions,” as David Baron pointed out: ignorance, prejudice, failure to under­ stand the Levitical system, and un­ belief. The dialogue method is favored as being particularly effective. There is a bibliography. The author is en­ gaged in mission work for the Men- nonite Board of Missions in Israel, and has studied Judaism extensively in Sweden and Israel. 77 pages; paper; Herald Press, Scottdale, Pa.; $1.00. Judaism Meets Christ by Roy Dreider

by Arnold D . Ehlert Librarian, Biola Collogo


The Churches of God By G. H. Lang


The late George Henry Lang was a British evangelist and Bible teacher not affiliated with any formal de­ nomination. He sought to present a strictly Scriptural message and, while he was independent enough to come out in some unique positions, he can be counted among the evangelicals. He wrote an impressive number of books. This volume deals with the constitution, government, discipline, and ministry of the church and the various services that go with its work. He inveighs against formal or­ ganization and federation, and advo­ cates the primitive New Testament type of fellowship and order. There have been a good many treatises of this kind but not many of the length and usefulness of this one. The book will not go unchallenged even on its Biblical expositions, but it deserves a place in the realm of New Testa­ ment theology. 190 pages; cloth; Paternoster Press, London; 12-6. This is the second volume in a new series known as The Evangelical Commentary, which will run to some forty volumes. The aim is to present a broadly evangelical work that can be used by both laymen and ministers and will combine scholarly insights with spiritual emphasis. Calvinistic and Arminian cooperation will seek to spread the work out over a wide range of contributors and the results in the first two volumes show much promise. The outlines and the ex­ position are easy to follow with bold type for Scripture quotations within the commentary. Additional essays at the end of certain chapters throw additional light on difficult matters. The set will doubtless take its place as one of the basic elements in the libraries of Bible students a n d preachers, xlv, 435 pp.; cloth; Zon- dervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $6.95. The Cross-Reference Bible Harold E. Monser, Editor-in-Chief When a publisher undertakes the reissuance of a 2400 page book it is a pretty good indication that the The Acts of the Apostles By Charles W . Carter and Ralph Earle

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The Preferred Pocket C om m en ta ry THE GIST OF THE LESSON FOR 1961

Ideal for a quick survey of the International Sunday School Lessons. Originated by R. A. Torrey, now edited by Donald T. Kauffman. Flexible binding. $1.25

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