King's Business - 1960-12

precious moments with PRECIOUS LIVES . . . w make them count with ASSU lessons The lessons you teach today in your Sunday school may well help determine the luture of your students. When you teach God’s Word, every minute counts. Make sure you select Union lessons for all departments of your Sunday school, from beginners through adults. ASSU Bible-centered Sunday school, materials present the whole truth of the Bible. The Gospel is emphasized through-out and Christ is made preeminent. Send for free sample materials today to Dept. K-60 AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION Suppliers of religious material to Sunday Schools for over a century. 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 3, Pennsylvania.

reader reaction

HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF I am writing to commend you for your splendid editorial on history repeating it­ self (August 1960). It is certainly high time that our fundamental leaders speak out against the devasting trends which have become so apparent within the so- called evangelical church in recent years. Satan’s attack against the inerrancy of the Word of God 50 years ago came from outside the evangelical body. The tragic thing today is that the assaults are com­ ing from within the ranks of those who have claimed to be evangelical. God bless you, your school and your magazine, for the stand which you have taken. May it encourage other papers in these fields to do likewise. Horace F. Dean, President, Christ for America, Philadelphia, Pa. COMMENTS OF GOVERNOR In this morning’s mail I received copies of THE KING’S BUSINESS which carried my article, “The Truly Satisfying Life.” Thank you for making copies of your pub­ lication available to me. I am taking them home this evening for my leisure reading as I know I will enjoy the many articles you have published. Mark O. Hatfield, Governor, State of Oregon. DISLIKES RELIGIOUS ISSUE Dear R eligious B igot : This letter is a protest against your savage, uncalled for exercise in uncon­ trolled resentment against Mr. Kennedy (KING’S BUSINESS October, 1960). Your kind of “thinking” is a relic of a by-gone era. Get with us man, this is the 20th Century. P.S. Ask the Lord for a broader outlook on things; you need it. Sol T. Waters I was shocked to read an article in an Episcopalian magazine doing what you accuse the Roman Catholics of doing, namely interferring or expressing views on political subjects. Kindly do not send me any further issues of your magazine. Nina Ballantyne, Van Nuys, Calif. E ditor ’ s N ote : THE KING’S BUSINESS 50 year old publication of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles , is entirely non- denominational. Students from 20 differ­ ent denominations attend our four schools. Biola and the KB are fundamental , evan­ gelical, pre-millennial missionary-minded organizations. COMM ENT ON ELECTION I want to heartily commend your article in THE KING’S BUSINESS for October, 1960. You have presented the importance of the forthcoming presidential election in a manner which I wish could be circu­ lated across the whole country. I con­ gratulate you for your courage in stating the facts as we must face them. I am sure your article will do a great deal of good. David H. Johnson, General Director, The Evan­ gelical Alliance Mission, 2845 W. McLean Ave., Chicago 47, Illinois.

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