King's Business - 1960-12

A new exposition o f the entire Bible

by Paul Bayles, Pastor, Christ Community Church Canofa Park, Calif.

the Christian home

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E v e r y b e l i e v e r desires to make his home Christian. He wants every influence for good to be part of the home. This is not achieved only by what we do, but by what we are. Neither mystical formulas nor un­ selfish affection in the home will do much to determine the spiritual cli­ mate of our homes. These qualities are not purchased. Any Christian home may possess them. They do cost in terms of personal sacrifice and self discipline. These are mediums of ex­ change available to all of us. We will pay the price if what is pur­ chased is really desired. Even though these determining fac­ tors are spiritual, rather than ma­ terial, they can be expressed concrete­ ly. For instance, Christmas is almost with us. Whether we like it or not, most of us will be spending more than we can afford for gifts. From pulpit and in print we shall be reminded of the futility and the cost of this tradi­ tion. Our consciences and our dread of January’s bills will prod our better judgment. Somehow, we will resist these thoughts and will follow the trend. We shall deplore the worldly commercialism of a religious holidav. We shall condemn the merchant. This will soothe our consciences and will make our conformity appear to be “under protest.” Yet we shall actual­ ly appear no different from any other shopper caught in the tide. Since this is probably true, let’s make the Christmas tradition serve our homes. Let’s give conscious thought to what Christmas is in­ tended to represent. Most of the gifts exchanged by God, the shepherds, and the magi had some spiritual signifi­ cance and use. God gave His Son. The shepherds gave their praise and time. The magi gave gifts for reli­ gious use. We get the impression that love, affection, and devotion were some of the qualities that prompted these gifts. These are the very in­ gredients that we want to capture for our own homes this year. As those abstract virtues were expressed con­ cretely long ago, we can make this materialistic tradition serve the same purpose today. Included among our exchange of gifts, some should be of the same kind and quality that char­ acterized the Bethlehem incident: physical gifts that express spiritual | factors.

With this in mind, I spent several hours browsing in Christian book stores. Along with the standard items which we associate with Bible stores, I discovered that there is a variety of new stock which lends itself to gift shopping. High on your list will be your Church as the recipient of a gift in­ tended to express your devotion to the Lord. Your Church Library is adaptable to gift-giving. Your Pastor and Board will want to review all books placed there. A gift-certificate is in order and the Librarian will purchase according to need. Possible suggestions range from Mrs. Ethel Barrett’s new book on “ Story Telling” ($3.95) to “The Talking Bible” ($29.95 each Testament). Don’t forget your Pastor. Try not to duplicate books he already posseses or force on him books he would not care to own. A gift certificate is al­ ways appropriate. For the teenager, popular sacred records of all speeds and sizes are available and waiting to be played. The “ Dayuma Story.” a recent book based on the Auca incident, offers exciting and good reading. Many well written biographies of outstand­ ing Christian leaders and missionaries offer vision and challenge to idealistic youth. Gifts for the children seem to be unlimited. “M y Picture Story Bible” by Korfker is new and features 270 stories w ith colored pictures ($3.95). Rand M cNally has published what they describe as the “Tell Me” series of six books ($2.50 each). Ken Taylor has another excellent book. “ Romans for the Children’s Hour” ($2.95). Mom and Dad w ill enjoy Christian periodicals, making a gift that lasts all year. They mav appreciate the new translations of the Bible. Vance Havner has a series of small books adaptable for daily devotions which are popular ($2.00 to $3.00). “Turbu­ lent Waters” is a Moody Press novel, describing the Columbian Church under trial. It is in story form, but it is said to be historical ($3.00). Bible study books, records, stationery, and Christian fiction are also excellent. Since gifts w ill be exchanged, let’s make some of them spiritually useful and lasting. They can be actual ex­ pressions of sincere affection. Make this Christmas count!

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