King's Business - 1960-12

The Gift Without The Giver L ouise was a little rich girl. She lived in a beautiful, big house


What the Bible says about Heaven ......... 50c The Prophecies of Daniel ......................$3.00 Addresses on Romans $3.00 Ephesians ................... $2.00 Six books on the Cults: What's wrong with Jehovah's Witnesses? 50c What's wrong with Mormonism? ............50c

There was quiet in the nursery as the mother gathered Louise tightly in her arms,— arms that she had hard­ ly realized before were longing for just such a love bundle. “You shall have that, Louise, dear — let me go and bring daddy that we might all keep Christmas afternoon together at least, and share our love and joy on this blessed day.” Materials: A large gold star made from cardboard or wood; letters of blue spelling JESUS cut from wood or cardboard to be attached to the five points of the star. Introduce this lesson by having a discussion on stars and constellations, telling of some of the wonders of heaven. I n M atthew 2:1-2, we have the record of the wise men who brought their gifts of gold, frankin­ cense and myrrh, and presented them unto the Christ child. These wise men were called Magi. They were the astronomers and astrologers of their day. God spoke to them concern­ ing the birth of His Son in terms that they could understand— through the shining of a star. It was a miracle star that led the wise men to the very place where the Lord Jesus was. You may be a Christmas star if you will point the way to the Lord Jesus through the Word. (II Thess. 2:19; Daniel 12:3; Prov. 11:30). Be a soul winner at this Christmas season. This large gold star will remind us of the miracle Star that led the wise men to Bethlehem and to the Christ child. When the wise men went into the “house” where the Lord Jesus was, it was Jesus Himself they worshipped. You will notice the letters on each of the five points of this star spell J-E-S-U-S. (Demon­ strate by placing letters cut from blue paper on each point of the star so that the word JESUS is spelled.) It is the Lord Jesus that we must invite into our hearts (Rev. 3:20). When He comes into our hearts, we are saved and belong to Him. When the Lord Jesus is thus re­ ceived, J will stand for “joy unspeak­ able and full of glory” (I Peter 1:5). E w ill tell of “ everlasting life” (John 3:16). S will stand for savlation (Titus 2:11). V will remind us of God’s unspeakable gift — the Lord Jesus (II Cor. 9:15). S will stand for Saviour (Luke 2:11). This is what He came to be on that first Christmas Day— “ For unto us is bom a Saviour " T H E CHR ISTMAS S TA R " An Object1 Lesson

on Hill Crest Drive, the only little girl to play in the spacious nursery on the top floor. There were so many things in this big house — lovely things, but so few people to say a kind word or give a bit of love. Often Louise had crepe down into the laundry on Tuesdays w h e n colored Annie came to iron, and as she ironed, Louise would listen with delight to all that Annie told her of her little boys and girls at home. How wonderful it would be to play as they played and be loved as they were beloved by Annie. It was Annie, too, who told Louise the story of that first Christmas day when the Lord Jesus was bom a Babe in Bethle­ hem’s manger. How she loved to hear it again and again. Oh, yes, Louise had a mother — such a beautiful mother, but she never seemed to have dme for Louise as other mothers have. And then Christmas time came and as always, Louise had written out a long list of things she wanted most and had given them to nurse Mary. Christmas morning came, and like all the Christmases that she could remember, Louise hurried into the nursery which was now her play room. What a transformation! Over night, it had all been changed! As with fairy-like quickness the win­ dows and walls were festooned with holly and crepe paper. Nurse Mary was really responsible. In the middle of the room stood the pretty tree with its many colored lights, and round about the tree were all the lovely toys she had asked for. It was all so beautiful. But somehow, there wasn’t much fun, untying pretty packages by one’s self. If mother and daddy would only come in to share it all with her! Finally to Mary Ann, the new doll, she poured out her heart and just had to shed a few tears. It was just then that her beautiful moth­ er came in— came in to wish her little girl a happy Christmas day! “Why, Louise dear, what is the matter?” she said, when she saw the tears and the sad little eyes. “ Didn’t you get everything you asked for?” “Yes, mother,” Louise said between sobs, “ all—but—just— one— thing.” “ One thing? Whatever is that, dear. Tell me and you shall have it if I can get it for you.” “ Oh, mother,” she said, and by now she was very close. “The presents were lovely—but I’d rather have you, mother, and your love, than anything else in the whole world.”

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