King's Business - 1960-12


town and campus

items of interest about Biola

the principles of our American heri­ tage, then highlighted the need for an individual acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Saviour. Music was provided by John Gustafson, soloist, and Lorin Whitney, organist. Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland spoke briefly of the background of the Biola or­ ganization. The Bible Institute did not finance the banquet, those attend­ ing were guests of Mr. Jones. Doctorate for Faculty Member Dr. Richard Chase, head of the Speech Department of Biola College, has just returned from Cornell Uni­ versity where he received his doctor­ ate. A graduate of Biola, Dr. Chase has led the school’s speech teams to receive a number of outstanding awards. His wife Mary is the daugh­ ter of Dr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Suther­ land. Auxiliary Needs Stamps Do you have saving stamps? The Biola Women’s Auxiliary has issued a call for those desirous of helping in the student dormitory life to send in “ S and H” or “ Blue Chip” books. With these, house mothers secure much-needed supplies, instruments and other items for use by students. Missionaries Saluted Dr. and Mrs. Van V. Eddings will be interviewed this month on the Bible Institute Hour. Dr. Eddings was the founder, and, until his retire­ ment this year, director of the Ori­ noco River Mission in Venezuela South America. Rev. Theodore Hum-

Torrey Conference Coming A number of outstanding speakers have been invited to join the roster of Bible teachers for the annual Tor­ rey Memorial Bible Conference, Janu­ ary 29 to February 5. (For listing, see back cover of this issue.) Descriptive brochures are available showing pic­ tures and giving addresses of the thirteen co-operating churches. Biola Guest at T V Banquet Governor Mark O. Hatfield, distin­ guished chief executive officer of the state of Oregon, was the featured speaker a month ago at a special ban­ quet hosted by Mr. William C. Jones

Give famous Oregon Blue Vein Cheese and your friends will be delighted!! Our tangy blue cheese or our mellowed cheddar cheese are a gourmet's dream! We ship cheese gifts alone or combine them with magnificent handcrafted myrtlewood trays or cheese boards. Gifts start from $2.65 pre-paid. Cheese and Hostess set pictured $9.95 prepaid. Cheese pictured $4.95 prepaid. Gift boxed. Send for free colored folder. Village Dairy-Smith, Box 926, Medford, Oregon. “THEY LOOKED FORA CITY” A GREAT CHRISTIAN FILM ■ The incredible true story of a Jew-1 ish family in Eastern Europe and their bitter struggle for survival. You see Jews ridden down by Cos­ sacks...flight from Poland and later from war-torn Germany.. .a miraculous reunion at an enemy border...the triumph of faith. Forty-five minutes of breath-taking action in one of the most dramatic, heart-stirring film experiences of your life. Write today for rental booking— $25.00. 16 MM NATURAL COLOR SOUND TH E FR IENDS O F ISRAEL Missionary and Relief Society, Ine, R«v. Victor Buksbozon, Gonorol Socrotory 1218-K Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 7, Pa. FREE 1961 FULL-COLOR ------- BROCHURE "Every Sunday" Worship Folders for EVANGELICAL CHURCHES • Attractice duotone and full-color folders • Low-cost imprint service • Mimeograph and duplicator stock • Free EXCHANGE of bulletin ideas • Free personalized memo pads for pastors CATHEDRAL PRESS Dept. K.B. Box 106 Brainerd, Minn.

Mr. Jones at the rostrum. in honor of Biola College. The pro­ gram was attended by a group of Southland business, professional and industrial leaders. Thousands of peo­ ple joined the audience through the local television release of the event. The program was filmed and a copy

Woat to make yoor Yw tli Meetings even better?

Dr. Ray Myers, Biola Board Chairman (left), Mr. Jones (in shadows), and Gov. Hatfield. is available to church groups free of charge on a request basis. Speaking for forty minutes, the Governor, a born-again Christian, clearly outlined

Box 413-K, Redondo Beach, Cal.

Dr. and Mrs. Eddings with Al Sanders. mel has been appointed to the office of director of ORM. With more than 60 workers, many of whom are Biola graduates, the mission has activities including a growing Bible Institute for national Christians. Dr. Eddings is a graduate of Biola, class of 1912. As he smilingly puts it, “ I was among the top six graduates (we only had six in the graduating class).”

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Two books in one: a history of Gos­ pel Music, plus many stories of famous hymns and their writers. 216 pages, cloth $ 1 .5 0 PHIL KERR'S GOSPEL SONGS 50 cents


First Mate Bob leads in the benediction.



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