King's Business - 1960-12

Miss Marie Mishler 'AA , Africa, who began her furlough in May, 1960, has com­ pleted three terms of service. Don and Faith (Hollingsworth ’21) Turn­ er, Ecuador: ‘W e are dedicating most of our time to the preparation of (Bible and Doctrine) courses.” Mary Sargent ’49, Ecuador: “ God caused three of the Cofan Indians to understand what it means to be new creatures in Christ.” Paula Wiebe ’36, Uruguay: ‘The tre­ mendous need of Uruguayan teachers makes me uneasy, but it is glorious to work with the only two evangelical churches in Melo who have asked help from us, and we are urged to go. These churches are small. Only one of them has an Uruguayan Sunday school teacher, | who is a nurse and teaches irregularly.” Frank and Frances ’49 Stradley, Alaska: “ Frances has been ill and has been under the care of a Christian doctor in Cleveland, Ohio.” Van ’ 13 and Gara Eddings, Venezuela: “ The second conference dedicated to honor the 40th Anniversary was held in the city of Maturin during Holy Week. This was the 7th Regional Conference of our Evan­ gelical churches in the State of Monagas.” Sylvia Arnold ’51 Arizona: “ You folks who have had the joy of serving our Lord in children’s work realize how slow­ ly results come at times. To become dis­ couraged is quite possible. But our loving Heavenly Father has helped us.” Richard ’60 and Jean (Ellis ’57) Berry. They will work with the Eastern Euro­ pean Mission.

Clifford Ryan ’46: “ I’m going to Japan to join the faculty of the Christian Acad­ emy, a school for the education of mission­ ary children.” Bill Adam ’60 and family are going to work in Trinidad with the Caribbean Broadcasting Company. Robert Christopulus ’53, ’55: Has ar­ rived in Southern California for furlough. Everett ’36 and Mina Bachelder, Alaska: “ The new radio station has been on the air since Easter. Letters from nearly a thousand miles away indicated the Lord is bringing blessings upon the listeners to this new missionary broadcasting station.” Larry and Marcella (Delk ’55) Jones: Flew to Nigeria for the second semester at Titcombe College. Don ’56 and (Cates ’57) Brown sailed for their field in Tanganyika Territory.

Featuring the entire year's lessons in a single 448-page volume. Lesson material is complete, carefully organized for the busy teacher with minimum preparation time. Eight pages of practical help for every week. Also offers unlimited sources for additional study, by students as well as teachers. Features printed lesson text, background, main points of lesson, discussion material and teaching plan for youths and adults. Order 1961 ....................................... $2.95 SPECIAL OFFER! Save $5 on pub­ lisher's price of the beautifully-bound, 9" x 12", "Treasury of Bible Master­ pieces." Features 65 full-color paintings, each with Scripture text. Coupon in­ cluded with "1961 Lesson Commentary" entitles you to the "Treasury" for only $5. Look for the coupon . . . and use it! From your Dealer, or

Mr. and Mrs. Don Brown Sydney and Dorothy (Cornell ’36) Best, Japan: “Two more of our young people, Walter Lee and Dorothy Hsieh have been accepted by Biola College. These came in contact with the Gospel through our Chi- nese-English class.” Timothy Pietsch ’32, Japan: “ How thankful we are for the privilege of being able to preach to great masses of /people by means of radio. Soon we will begin our tenth year of broadcasting the Gospel in the Japanese language over local Jap­ anese radio stations. Last year, more than eighteen thousand Japanese requested a copy of John, which we offer to send free.” Andrew E. ’22 and Jennie ’23 Mitchell, Brazil: Present the Gospel through music and testimony. “ The harp is a curiosity here.” Mildred (Hilts ’25, ’27) Gronlund Japan: “ I cracked a bone in the instep of my foot when I fell in my kitchen the last day of March. On Easter Sunday many of our regular students gathered around my bed and listened to the resurrection message.............That night a young man came to learn English and the Bible. The following night he expressed his desire to know Christ. The work progresses.” Keith ’32 and Vivian (Force ’33) Altig, Brazil: These missionaries, along with Rev. Edward Miller, “Were among those present for the much heralded official opening of Brazil’s new capital city, Bra­ silia, on April 21, 1960.

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Mr. and Mrs. Berry Iva (Hortense ’27) Lauber, Arizona: “Many of the Navajos are still living in heathenism and there is much drunkenness in our part of the reservation.” Eunice Peevey ’46, ’47 SMM, Arizona: Having been a missionary under the Sudan Interior Mission for the past twelve years, she now feels a definite call of the Lord to challenge the Christian people of America to a much needed ministry of prayer for Africa. She is available for speaking engagements in the church or missionary society. Joanne Shetler ’58, ’59 SMM, Califor­ nia. Has experienced Wycliffe jungle camp in Mexico and her second summer of language school in Oklahoma.

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