King's Business - 1960-12

ments, and Gospels have been sent to practically every continent, not for­ saking local hospitals, missions, penal institutions, and Christian workers here in the United States. Excerpts from a few of the many letters received are as follows: From Huntington Park, California: “We wish to express our deep appreciation and thankfulness for the three hun­ dred Gospels of John which we re­ ceived last week. We find these of much benefit and practical use in this work of soul winning.” A worker in Cuba writes, “You would have been thrilled to see the eagerness of a Cuban lady Sunday morning when we presented her with one of your Testaments.” From the Dominican Republic: “ Blessed are ye that sow besides all waters,’ Isaiah 32:20. We received the shipment of Bibles, Testa­ ments, and Gospels just before Christ­ mas . . .W e have already distributed most all that you sent us as we opened a new field. We gave each new con­ vert a portion of the Word of God . . . so you see how God timed the ship­ ment that came last week.” These and many others testify to the fruitfulness of this ministry. “ But as his part is that goeth down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarri- eth by the stuff: they shall part alike” I Samuel 30:24. Shortly after they were organized the “ Gospel Sowers” were invited to conduct services at the Los Angeles City Mission. These were held one Sunday afternoon of each month for a number of years. Another door was later opened. This time at the Los Angeles General Hospital where they were permitted to sing to the patients. This ministry has proven a rich blessing and has attracted many interested friends. At the present, it includes men as well as women and is known as the “ Gos­ pel Gleaners.” Souls are being saved and spiritual refreshment is evident as hymns are sung, bringing joy and comfort to lonely hearts. Recently the c o n s t i t u t i o n was amended permitting Christian mar­ ried women in domestic service to hold office, and become members. We do praise God for His faithful­ ness, permitting us to serve Him, and as we launch into another year we claim His promise that in all our ways He will direct our paths. The “Gospel Sowers” extend a warm welcome to all who are inter­ ested in sharing this fellowship, thus being co-laborers in sending forth the precious Word of life . Place of meeting is Church of the Open Door, Room O, 558 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California.

CEYLON and INDIA GENERAL MISSION Member Mission I.F.M.A. Working in five fields of India and Pakistan in five different languages. W rite for free literature 107 North Hale, Wheaton, Illinois

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