Board Converting News, May 4, 2020

Peachtree Packaging Manufactures In-Store Dividers For Retailers Lawrenceville, Georgia based Peachtree Packaging & Dis- play is manufacturing in-store dividers for retailers that pro- mote social distancing to create a safer environment for customers in response to the new coronavirus (COVID-19).

way to create a safe environment for people to shop,” said Chad Wagner, President and CEO of Peachtree Packaging & Display. “Corrugated in-store dividers are a way to pro- mote social distancing and help control the flow of traffic to keep people as safe as possible.” Corrugated in-store dividers are eye-level height and include custom shaped extensions to compliment current store fixtures. The displays are sturdy, easy to assemble and light enough to move to different locations based on the needs of businesses. Grocery stores can use the dividers to section high traf- fic open stock areas, such as those for produce, meat or dairy. They can also be used to enforce distancing guide- lines in long lines or as markers in aisles to promote safe shopping practices. Along with being a physical reminder, the dividers can display key brand messages, plus tips for safe shopping. Clear messaging can help reduce ambiguity and hopefully alleviate the stress that shoppers may face when visiting high traffic stores. Moreover, the signs further protect em- ployees and lessen their burden for enforcing social dis- tance rules. “Since social distancing is the new normal for the fore- seeable future, businesses need ways to adapt so they can continue to operate. These dividers will help them promote distancing guidelines and hopefully create saf- er shopping conditions for everyone,” said Pete Galbiati, Director of Marketing for Peachtree Packaging & Display.

The corrugated dividers provide visual and physical cues to encourage customers to stay at least six feet apart. “Everyone is trying to do their part in fighting COVID-19. One way we can help is to support retailers that need a


May 4, 2020

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