FyzicalElPaso: PT For Basketball


March, 2020


INSIDE: • Get Back in the Game After a Basketball Injury • Relieve Hip Pain In Minutes • Patient Success Spotlight

(continued from outside) This may seem counterintuitive at first – you may ask yourself “isn’t eating good for you?” The short answer is yes – it is! Because of eating habits (3 squares plus snacks) along with what we eat our bodies can become insulin resistant. Very important for diabetes but we’ll save that for another day. This high insulin state has the effect of keeping us in storage mode, you guessed it fat storage is pretty handy. Fasting drops insulin levelsand forcesourbodytousestoredenergy.Glucagon, a hormone that’s resisted by that high insulin state is “opened up” allowing us to use stored energy from the liver and fat cells. Glucagon is a natural hunger suppressor so once you get the systemworking you don’t even get too hungry. An article published in Medium Health explains this process best: “Intermittent fastingworks forweight loss,andgeneralhealth,because it restricts the time we spend in an insulin dominant state, to allow our bodies to use its stored energy.” Unlike other diets, intermittent fasting is science-driven, and has been linked to a decrease in A1C for those who implement the diet into their lives – thus decreasing the risk for heart disease and other dangerous illnesses like diabetes. TIPS FOR A HEALTHIER YOU

Whether you have pain or have been suffering for a long time, seeing a physical therapist at FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers can help you return to a more active and pain-free life. Give us a call at the location nearest you!

Some doctors may not be familiar with this process, so bringing a crediblearticlemaybehelpful inexplainingwhyyouwanttobegin.

The next step is picking a schedule that works for you and sticking with it.Forme, IbeganwithMondayasmy intermittent fastingday. IwouldeatdinneronSundaynightandthen fastuntildinneragain on Monday night. Then, when I got acclimated to this schedule, I added Wednesday as my second intermittent fasting day. Dinner Tuesday then no food till Wednesday night. It may be difficult at first – when I first started intermittent fasting, I remember feeling so hungry by noon – but then by the time 1pm, 2pm, etc. rolled around, it became easier and easier. An important partofholdingmyselfaccountabletothisnew fastingmethodwas staying busy – when I’d think about how hungry I was, I’d have a glass of water, walk around, and do something to takemy mind off of it. If you remain busy, it is easier to achieve the results you want. So, check with your doctor first and good luck. We’re here to help. Are you looking for more guidance on adding intermittent fasting into your life? At FYZICAL El Paso, we’re happy to help. - Luis, FYZICAL El Paso Source: https://medium.com/@finmn/insulin-resistance-fasting-and-low- carbohydrates-how-it-works-abd06c4ecc1c

Like any new lifestyle change, if you are interested in trying intermittent fasting, my first piece of advice would be to consult with your doctor.

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