Teaser | Vicarious | Fall 2024

Long winding roads cresting over gently rolling hills. Lakes and rivers peek between the lush

for years. Their loops and recommended roads cover everything from short day trips (from the GTA or Ottawa) to multi- day sojourns through Ontario’s past, complete with a fair smattering of dirt, trail and adventure action, should you be so inclined. The roads this collective highlights and the loops they create celebrate the long lost art of road building – not just a construction project that links two points on a map, but proper road building – that turns the journey itself into a destination. Should you feel so bold as to take on all of the Routes – Adventure Routes included – you can even collect a series of patches along the way. See you out there!

foliage flanking your sides. The tarmac is smooth and, more importantly, near empty of traffic. For any motorcycle riders out there, this describes a chunk of paradise. Even more so, when

you have a collection of these gems all mapped and routed together, laid out in detail, complete with delectable coffee and lunch stops highlighted along the way. I’ve been consulting the various routes and (free) paper maps that Ride The Highlands have been putting together



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