January 21, 2020
«Sal» «First_Name» «Last_Name» «Title» «Company» «Address_1» «Address_2» «City», «State_Province» «Zip»
Dear «Sal» «Last_Name»:
Several months ago, you received a letter from me, and all of Michigan’s legislative leaders, to let you know about the 75th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Legislative Conference (MLC), which is coming to Michigan for the first time since 2007. At that time, we asked you to consider becoming a sponsor of the conference. This letter is to follow up on that request. I am proud to be hosting the meeting in Detroit this summer. My colleagues in the Michigan Legislature and I look forward to hosting you from July 19-22. I first became involved with the MLC and The Council of State Governments shortly after I was elected to the legislature. I quickly learned that the annual meeting was an important opportunity for legislators from around the region to discuss some of the major issues facing state government, and I have attended regularly ever since. In keeping with Michigan’s spirit of innovation that “there has got to be a better way,” we have an outstanding program in the works, with topics that will examine a wide range of policy issues including entrepreneurship, the history and future of innovation and my chairman’s initiative on literacy. Our opening keynote will be given by Steven Johnson, best-selling author and host of a PBS series on innovations that made the modern world. The MLC’s six policy committees — Agriculture and Natural Resources, Criminal Justice and Public Safety, Economic Development, Education, Health and Human Services, and Midwest-Canada Relations — will also meet during the conference to discuss topics within their subject areas. We will have special programming for spouses and youth, as well as evening events for all attendees. We’re excited to show off sites like the Detroit Institute of Arts, the Fillmore Detroit, Greenfield Village and more. The registration brochure, which will be mailed to you in the spring, will have a more detailed program. The enclosed contribution reply form lists the sponsorship levels and the corresponding complimentary registrations that come with each level. Contributors will also be invited to a special reception on Tuesday, July 21, and are acknowledged in the meeting program. Please return the form to Ilene Grossman at the Midwestern Legislative Conference at your earliest convenience and contact either Ilene or me if you have any questions about the meeting. My host team and I look forward to following up with you directly in person or by phone to discuss this important sponsorship opportunity.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. I appreciate your assistance and hope to see you in Detroit this summer.
Ken Horn Michigan State Senator and Chair, Midwestern Legislative Conference
Enclosure: Contribution Reply Form
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