Completed 9 training modules and mentoring sessions with 4 experts with 18 climate adaptation innovators
Facilitated a webinar on Climate Finance
Profiled 18 winners on AfriLabs social media channels
Disbursed a total of $540,000 to 18 startups.
30+ new jobs created
Trained over 500 community members to enhance their climate resilience and adaptation skills. 18 startups completed 9 training modules and 4 mentoring sessions each to enhance their capacity and scale their adaptation businesses.
Over $1 million in additional financing sourced by 18 innovators.
One webinar held in September on “Challenges of Scaling Up and Financing Youth-led Climate Adaptation in Africa: The Role of Innovation”
We have enjoyed the access to quality business development coaches and trainers, and the opportunity to expand our business through the grant
One of the things I enjoyed is meeting and networking with the other entrepreneurs and the flexibility of the assistance
Noël N'guessan Winner Cote d’Ivoire
Robin Ndungu Winner Kenya
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