2023 AfriLabs Annual Report

Project Name

LEAP-RE (Leading Electricity Access Practitioner Network for Renewable Energy)


LEAP-RE (Long-Term Joint Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy); AfriLabs partners with 80+ research partners in Europe and Africa supporting innovation and building renewable energy solutions together. It brings together stakeholders from government, industry, academia, and civil society to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy solutions and improve energy access in underserved communities. AfriLabs is contributing to the objectives of the project by Identifying and documenting a minimum of 100 ideas and business cases in the mini-grid sectors, and further generating a comprehensive database of solutions that can contribute to the growth and development of the mini-grid sector in Africa.

100 Ideas on mini-grid and renewable energy have been identified and updated in the Leap-re a database

50 young innovators selected to participate in a solution development workshop to enable them gain mentorship and guidance to bring their ideas in the mini grid sector to market

Contributed to the African Electricity Access and Mini-grid Landscape report



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