2023 AfriLabs Annual Report

Capacity Building Award

435,000 Euros Disbursed as grant to beneficiaries of the Capacity Building Awards

2,456 Participants Reached through capacity building events

51% Female participation

29 Hubs Benefitted from capacity building awards across different countries

603 + startups Benefitted from financial supports from their parent hubs

Improved COLLABORATION among innovation hubs within the African Innovation Ecosystem

Virtual Meetup Grant

12 VMG series Number of quarterly Virtual Meetup Series conducted

36 Hubs benefitted

120,000 Euros disbursed to Hubs for

204 Meetups held Across different countries and cities

Physical or Virtual meetup projects

60% Female participation

200+ Startups Supported with financial benefit

6400+ Entrepreneurs trained through meetups

Physical Workshop 335+ Hub managers

14 Physical Workshop conducted across14 cities

10 Innovation Hubs Engaged to host Physical workshops

28+ Ecosystem expert engaged as facilitator during workshop sessions

Trained through tailored capacity building workshop sessions


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