KINDER KORNER PRESCHOOL School Year September 2023-May 2024 Enrollment Form & Payment Plan Agreement Emailed to jfranklin@libertyville OR Mailed: Julie Franklin, 118 W Cook Ave, Libertyville, 60048 Confirmation Receipt Emailed After Processing
Kinder Korner Preschool 2 & 3 year olds Code: 1 3636 , Location: Riverside Club House Days/Times: Tuesday & Friday, 8:45am-11am Dates: Tuesday, Sept 5 , 202 3 to Friday, May 2 4 , 202 4
Monthly Payment Plan (1st of the month, Sept-May) $1 66 Residents $1 77 Non-Residents
Pay in Full (At time of enrollment) $14 94 Residents $15 97 Non-Residents
Kinder Korner Preschool 3-4 year olds Code: 1 3637 , Location: Riverside Club House Days/Times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday , 8:45am-11:15am Dates: Wednesday, Sept 6 to Thursday , May 2 3 , 202 4 Kinder Korner Preschool 4-5 year olds (AM Session) Code: 1 3638 , Location: Riverside Club House Days/Times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, 8:45am-11:15am Dates: Wednesday, Sept 6 to Thursday , May 2 3 , 202 4 Kinder Korner Preschool 4-5 year olds (PM Session) Code: 1 3639 , Location: Riverside Club House Days/Times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, 12pm-2:30pm Dates: Wednesday, Sept 6 to Thursday , May 2 3 , 202 4
Pay in Full $2457 Residents $2561 Non-Residents
Monthly Payment Plan $2 73 Residents $2 85 Non-Residents
Monthly Payment Plan $2 73 Residents $2 85 Non-Residents
Pay in Full $2 457 Residents $2 561 Non-Residents
Monthly Payment Plan $2 73 Residents $2 85 Non-Residents
Pay in Full $2 457 Residents $2 561 Non-Residents
*Non-refundable Deposit of $100 due at enrollment* *Please call to update payment information prior to monthly payment withdrawal* Registration will processed starting February 1, 2023 for new students
Parent/Guardian Name:_______________________________________ Date of Enrollment:___________________ Student Name:_____________________________________________Birthdate:_____________________________ Code:__________________ Payment Option(check): ______Monthly ______Pay in Full Home Address:______________________________City:_________________________Zip Code:_______________ Please provide one email to receive correspondence:____________________________________________________ Phone # to contact during the day:__________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Below Accepting Waiver, Payment Option X____________________________________________________________Date:_____________________________ Credit Card # : ______________________________________Expiration:_____________CVC:__________________
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