signed a purchaser will have little in the way of rights, unless those rights are specifically negotiated. It is important that purchasers conduct their own due diligence as the disclosure requirements imposed on vendors in Australia varies from each State and Territory. It is important that legal advice is obtained as early as possible in the process. It is important that a vendor obtains legal advice to ensure they comply with any disclosure requirements which are imposed by the applicable State or Territory legislation. Otherwise, a failure to comply may give the purchaser the right to terminate a contract before settlement. Caveat Emptor The doctrine of caveat emptor or “let the buyer beware” means that purchasers looking to buy property in Australia should undertake their own due diligence enquiries. Due diligence enquiries can be conducted before a contract is signed or the contract can be signed subject to the purchaser undertaking its due diligence enquiries and being satisfied with them within a specified timeframe. The extent of those enquiries will depend on the value of the property. Title Search Conducting a title search of the property is the first step. It is important to check that the vendor who is selling the property is actually the registered owner on title and to see a plan of the land being purchased. In Victoria, a person can sell land before that person has become the registered proprietor of the property. This can be achieved by providing a purchaser with evidence of the right to sell, such as the lodgement of a purchaser’s caveat. Restrictions /Encumbrances A search of the title and plan will reveal information which is relevant for a purchaser. Such information will show if a property is

mortgaged or if there are restrictions, easements or encumbrances (any registered interests or third-party agreements which affect or limit ownership or use of the land), which burden the property and potentially limit what a purchaser can do with the property. A title search will also reveal if any third parties have registered their interests, by a caveat or a mortgage. When a vendor sells and settles the property, the vendor must provide clear title at settlement to the purchaser. All mortgages and caveats must be removed by settlement. A vendor warranty to provide clear title is common in a contract. Planning Checks Purchasers should check the local planning scheme or planning restrictions for the property being purchased. This is important if a purchaser has a particular use for the property. In Australia, such controls are achieved through legislation and planning policies and instruments. Each State and Territory has its own regulatory framework. Responsibility for implementing those requirements is usually with the State Government and the local councils. Contracts of sale often contain conditions which provide that a purchaser buys the property subject to all restrictions, including those under the relevant planning scheme. It is important that a purchaser is satisfied that they can use the property for the desired purpose. For example, is a permit required for the proposed use? In certain States, disclosure obligations will reveal the relevant zoning of a property, but full enquiries may be warranted. Property Inspections A physical inspection of the property by the purchaser is important. They may include expert building inspections and pest and termite inspections. A purchaser should check that the improvements on the property are

ILN Real Estate Group – Buying and Selling Real Estate Series

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