1958 2017 Shoosty VI Catalog Raisonne

Jason’s Bar Mitzvah

Jaime’s Bar Mitzvah


poem while he was in surgery.


Shark Valley - Based on a photo while on a bike trip to Shark Valley, a Florida State Park. It depicts a teenage alligator partially submerged in the water. The piece is now on permanent display at the University of Florida in the student center called the Rietz Union. Dreams Come True - I earned multiple grants to open a call center in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Because of this, I spent a lot of quality time up there. I use wood that has beaver teeth marks in it to give it spirit then wrapped it with fur, string, and beads. I was given access to a wood shop to make the base. Insect Series - The beginning of an ongoing and evolving series based on bugs. Who would have guessed this would one day change the trajectory of my life?

Jason’s Bar Mitzvah - I made a sensitive drawing of Jason reading his Torah portion which the Cantor sings. The Cantor trained Jason to read his portion. The background looks like a piece of matzah. A nice touch. Jaime’s Bar Mitzvah - After our son’s Bar Mitzvah in Isreal, I stayed for an extra week in Sfadt, near the Sea of Galilee. I liked this place because there was an area of the town dedicated to painters. I was told the Kabalah (Jewish mysticism) was studied there. I made friends with one of the artists, and he helped me expand my way of painting, opening me up to dripping paint. His name was Catriel Efrony. He was a great artist. Slow Mover - My father had a life-threatening aortic aneurysm. The immediate family went to Houston Texas where an ingenious doctor cooled his body and repaired the weakness in his artery. It was scary. I painted and wrote a


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