Sfadt Stairwell Watercolor
Sfadt Stairwell Sketch
Sfadt Stairwell with Warm Colors
Sfadt Stairwell with Cool Colors
only wild dogs, and Englishmen would stand in that kind of heat for any length of time. I took these photos while making the painting. It was amazing to me to see the color shift. I named it “Stairway to Heaven,” thinking heaven has dirty laundry at its apex. While I was there exactly as I imagined, a kid jumped on the wall and started to pray, rocking back and forth. Sfadt, Israel 2004
I stumbled on a stairwell in Sfadt, Israel. Notice the dirty laundry at the top of the stairs and the subtle colors shifted in the photos from orange to blue and purple. The small section in the front with the metal railing is a park created after an earthquake shook the property. It would make an excellent place for a child dovening in prayer. I proceeded to draw and paint this location in the sweltering heat. That is how I learned the expres- sion “Wild dogs and Englishmen,” referring to
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