1958 2017 Shoosty VI Catalog Raisonne

Stephen Shooster

A street artist completed a portrait of Shoosty on top of Montmartre, Paris. This is the area where French impressionism was started. I wish I visited this place when I first wanted to be an artist. Just being there, you feel something of what they must have felt. Montmartre is located on the tallest hill in Paris, a perfect place for windmills. Windmills are used to ground flour. Flour turns into bread. Bread creates cafes to sell the bread. Once you have bread, you need something to wash it down. At first, it was milk, but it didn’t take long to find wine, which was a more popular choice. Thus, a party. Right around the corner below the hill is the famous cabaret, Le Moulin Rouge.

The View of Paris from Montmartre

The Moulin Rouge



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