I grew up in Cherry Hill, N.J. in a subdivision called Woodcrest. My cousin’s father was one of the builders of the community, Harold Sarshik. They lived two doors away. He had three daughters who were older than me. His wife, Aunt Francis is a close friend of my mom. We had a split-level home at 1791 Country Club Drive. Our phone number was 429-0452. Behind our home was the 13th hole of the Woodcrest golf course. On the edge of the golf course was a hill where we would go sledding in the wintertime. It was a short run with an abrupt drop-off we called, “Ball Buster Hill.” It was protected by a creek with a wooden bridge.
On a good day, I could go down the hill and cross that bridge. On a bad day, I could end up in the freezing creek. I recall running home after falling into the creek at least once. Our house was the meeting place for going sledding and generally a meeting place for all the kids in the neighborhood.
Crayon on Paper 1966
Stephen 7th grade (12-13 years old)
Enamal Painting using a spinning machine. carnival art 1970
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