1958 2017 Shoosty VI Catalog Raisonne

68 The painting “Blue Ocean” was my senior thesis. I recall how excited my professor, Nate Shiner, was when it was finished. He got the whole art department to come and see my work. It felt great. Nate died young. He died before I graduated; he was a young man and a terrific guy. I am friends with his daughter to this day. I was playing with aluminum foil and acrylics. Peter Stubbing, an artist in Fort Lauderdale, showed me how to do this in a small way. I took the foil and taped it

together to make it the size of three panels 48” x 60”. Then, I roughed up the foil and coated it with oil using a badger blender brush. Once the surface was covered with oil, I painted it with a few coats of clear acrylic until it was strong enough to be skin. Then, I painted it with an airbrush. That is why the shapes are so super realistic. Once dried, I peeled the foil off the acrylic skin, leaving some foil for highlights, washed the oil off the surface with soap and water, and applied the final skin to the canvas using more acrylic as glue.

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