Downtown The Town of Fuquay-Varina has two (2) distinct and historic downtowns: Downtown Fuquay immediately north of the famous mineral spring discovered in 1850 and visited by thousands between 1900 and 1930 for its assumed health benefits, and Downtown Varina, adjacent to Broad Street and the historic Union Station built in 1910 to serve both the Durham-Southern and Caraleigh-Charlotte Rail Lines. Land inside the Downtown functions as a destination for residents and visitors to Fuquay-Varina. Compact development patterns, horizontal and vertical land use mixes, high-quality building architecture, plazas and public spaces, and civic destinations that promote social interaction celebrate the Fuquay-Varina community. Uses and buildings are located on small blocks with streets design for walking first, and driving second. Buildings may stand two (2) to six (6) stories tall and include civic, retail, office, restaurant, residential, or entertainment uses. Condominiums, apartments, or offices may be found above storefronts. Parking is satisfied using on-street parking, structured parking, and shared rear-lot parking strategies. Areas further away from the two (2) historic downtown cores transition between the most intense development areas in Fuquay-Varina and the stable, near-in neighborhoods and businesses that surround the two (2) areas. Infill development and public infrastructure investments in a transition area should aim
to create smaller blocks with walkable streets designed to extend the grid network. A central pedestrian spine should also be considered for the transition area that physically and visually connects the two (2) core areas — potentially serving as a “Cultural Loop” that follows existing streets or rights-of-way and uses small pockets of land adjacent to the route (public rights-of-way or irregular, unused portions of private property) to create public plazas, seating areas, etc. that turn the Loop into a series of linear parks that help attract visitors to the area. The transition areas also support a mix of land uses, architectural continuity, public spaces, and opportunities for social interaction. Uses and buildings are located on small blocks with streets designed for safe and efficient walking between nearby destinations. Buildings may stand one (1) to six (6) stories tall and include civic, retail, office, restaurant, residential, or entertainment uses. Condominiums, apartments, or offices may be found above storefronts. Parking is satisfied using on-street parking, structured parking, and shared rear-lot parking strategies. Non-franchise architecture is encouraged throughout the Downtown as a way to maintain unique character, and historic preservation — especially for landmark buildings — should be a priority.
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Fuquay-Varina Land Use Plan
Chapter 3: Character Area Typology
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