Fuquay Varina Pedestrian Plan - Adopted 8-1-2022

Eligible entities for TA funding include local governments, regional transportation authorities, transit agencies, natural resource or public land agencies, school districts or schools, tribal governments, and any other local or regional government entity with responsibility for oversight of transportation or recreational trails that the State determines to be eligible. The FAST Act provides $84 million for the Recreational Trails Program. Funding is prorated among the 50 states and Washington D.C. in proportion to the relative amount of off-highway recreational fuel tax that its residents paid. To administer the funding, states hold a statewide competitive process. The legislation stipulates that funds must conform to the distribution formula of 30% for motorized projects, 30% for non-motorized projects, and 40% for mixed- use projects. Each state governor is given the

and other ancillary facilities. Modification of sidewalks to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is also an eligible activity. Safe Routes to School programs, congestion pricing projects and strategies, and recreational trails projects are other eligible activities. Under the FAST Act, a State may use STBG funds to create and operate a State office to help design, implement, and oversee public- private partnerships eligible to receive Federal highway or transit funding. In general, projects cannot be located on local roads or rural minor collectors. However, there are exceptions. These exceptions include recreational trails, pedestrian and bicycle projects, and Safe Routes to School programs. For more information: https://www.fhwa.dot. gov/fastact/factsheets/stbgfs.cfm LOCALLY ADMINISTERED PROJECTS PROGRAM (LAPP) The Locally Administered Projects Program (LAPP) was first adopted by the NC Capital Area MPO on October 20, 2010. The program is used by the MPO to prioritize and program local transportation projects in the region that utilize federal funding and are the responsibility of the MPO (such as Surface Transportation Block Grant Program – Direct Allocation (STBGP-DA), Congestion Mitigation for Air Quality (CMAQ), etc.). LAPP is a competitive funding program managed by CAMPO that prioritizes locally administered projects in the Region. These projects are funded using the federal funding sources directly attributed to the region with a minimum 20% local match. Member jurisdictions of the CAMPO region are eligible to apply for these funds. For more information: https://www.campo-nc. us/funding/locally-administered-projects- program HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (HSIP) HSIP provides $2.4 billion for projects and programs that help communities achieve significant reductions in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads, bikeways,

and walkways. Bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements, enforcement activities, traffic calming projects, and crossing treatments for non-motorized users in school zones are eligible for these funds. For more information: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ fastact/factsheets/hsipfs.cfm SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL (SRTS) PROGRAM SRTS enables and encourages children to walk and bike to school. The program helps make walking and bicycling to school a safe and more appealing method of transportation for children. SRTS facilitates the planning, development, and implementation of projects and activities that will improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution in the vicinity of schools. Most of the types of eligible SRTS projects include sidewalks or shared use paths. However, intersection improvements (i.e. signalization, marking/upgrading crosswalks, etc.), on-street bicycle facilities (bike lanes, wide paved shoulders, etc.) or off-street shared use paths are also eligible for SRTS funds. The North Carolina Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program was established in 2005 through SAFETEA-LU as a federally funded program to provide an opportunity for communities to improve conditions for bicycling and walking to school. It is currently supported with Transportation Alternatives federal funding through the Surface Transportation Block Grant program established under the FAST Act. The SRTS Program has set aside $1,500,000 per year of Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) funds for non-infrastructure programs and activities over a three-year period. Funding requests may range from a yearly amount of $50,000 to $100,000 per project. Projects can be one to three years in length. Funding may be requested to support activities for community- wide, regional or statewide programs. The next funding cycle application will be available in January 2021. For more information: https://connect. ncdot.gov/projects/BikePed/Pages/Non- Infrastructure-Alternatives-Program.aspx

CAMPO also serves as a partner in SRTS programming. For more information: https://www.campo-nc. us/programs-studies/bicycle-and-pedestrian OTHER FEDERAL FUNDING SOURCES RAISE DISCRETIONARY GRANT PROGRAM The Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant program is expected to be funded at $1 billion in FY2022. RAISE grants are awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant local or regional impact. The FY2021 RAISE program’s selection criteria gave special consideration to projects that emphasize improved access to reliable, safe, and affordable transportation for communities in rural areas. This includes projects that improve infrastructure condition, address public health and safety, promote regional connectivity, facilitate economic growth or competitiveness, deploy broadband as part of an eligible transportation project, or promote energy independence. Selection criteria encompass safety, economic competitiveness, quality of life, state of good repair, innovation and partnerships with a broad range of stakeholders. The current application identifies any area(s) in the application narrative that may be affected by the ongoing COVID-19 situation for the Department’s consideration in the project’s evaluation. Trails and their benefits for healthy outdoor physical activity could be especially competitive as projects fulfilling community needs during pandemic-related restrictions.

opportunity to “opt out” of the RTP. For more information: https://www. fhwa.dot.gov/fastact/factsheets/ transportationalternativesfs.cfm In January 2020, NCDOT released the

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Bike/ Ped Scoping Guide. This document provides detail and guidance on the Project Delivery Process and important elements to consider in bike/ped project development. For more information: https://connect. ncdot.gov/projects/BikePed/Documents/ BikePed%20Project%20Scoping%20 Guidance%20for%20Local%20Governments. pdf SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BLOCK GRANT (STBG) PROGRAM The FAST Act converts the Surface Transportation Program into the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) program. This program is among the most flexible eligibilities among all Federal-aid and highway programs. The Surface Transportation Program (STP) provides states with flexible funds which may be used for a variety of highway, road, bridge, and transit projects. A wide variety of pedestrian improvements are eligible, including trails, sidewalks, crosswalks, pedestrian signals,

For more information: https://www. transportation.gov/RAISEgrants

https://www.transportation.gov/sites/dot.gov/ files/2021-05/Budget-Highlights2022_052721_ FINAL.PDF





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