Fuquay Varina Pedestrian Plan - Adopted 8-1-2022

All projects must have a clear recreational benefit. For more information: http:// www.conservationalliance.com/ grants//?yearly=2020 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD (BCBS) OF NORTH CAROLINA FOUNDATION BCBS does not have a traditional grant cycle and announces grant opportunities on a periodic basis. Grants can range from small-dollar equipment grants to large, multi-year partnerships. For more information: http://www. bcbsncfoundation.org/grants-programs/ grantmaking-overview/ DUKE ENERGY FOUNDATION Funded by Duke Energy shareholders, this foundation makes charitable grants to nonprofit organizations and government agencies. Grant applicants must serve communities that are also served by Duke Energy. The grant program has several investment priorities that could potentially fund bicycle and pedestrian projects. The Duke Energy Foundation is committed to making strategic investments to build powerful communities where nature and wildlife thrive, students can excel and a talented workforce drives economic prosperity for all.

BANK OF AMERICA CHARITABLE FOUNDATION The Bank of America Charitable Foundation supports a wide range of activities, including a focus on community greening efforts that create healthy neighborhoods and environmental sustainability through the preservation, creation or restoration of open space, parks and community gardens. For more information: https://about. bankofamerica.com/en-us/global-impact/ charitable-foundation-funding.html LOCAL TRAIL SPONSORS A sponsorship program for trail amenities allows smaller donations to be received from both individuals and businesses. Cash donations could be placed into a trust fund to be accessed for certain construction or acquisition projects associated with the greenways and open space system. Some recognition of the donors is appropriate and can be accomplished through the placement of a plaque, the naming of a trail segment, and/or special recognition at an opening ceremony. Types of gifts other than cash could include donations of services, equipment, labor, or reduced costs for supplies. CORPORATE DONATIONS Corporate donations are often received in the form of liquid investments (i.e. cash, stock, bonds) and in the form of land. Local governments typically create funds to facilitate and simplify a transaction from a corporation’s donation to the given locality. Donations are mainly received when a widely supported capital improvement program is implemented. PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS Private individual donations can come in the form of liquid investments (i.e. cash, stock, bonds) or land. Local governments typically create funds to facilitate and simplify a transaction from an individual’s donation to the given locality. Donations are mainly received when a widely supported capital improvement program is implemented.

THE TAR RIVER LAND CONSERVANCY (TRLC) The Tar River Land Conservancy (TRLC) preserves and protects land in the Tar River watershed to maintain clean water, preserve wildlife habitats, and promote ecologically- friendly recreational opportunities. Currently, TRLC has preserved 6,451 acres in Franklin County. TRLC may be a partner for acquiring land for greenway development within the Tar River Watershed Basin. http://www.tarriver.org/ NATIONAL FISH AND WILDLIFE FOUNDATION (NFWF) The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) is a private, nonprofit, tax-exempt organization chartered by Congress in 1984. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation sustains, restores, and enhances the Nation’s fish, wildlife, plants, and habitats. Through leadership conservation investments with public and private partners, the Foundation is dedicated to achieving maximum conservation impact by developing and applying best practices and innovative methods for measurable outcomes. The Foundation provides grants through more than 70 diverse conservation grant programs. One of the most relevant programs for bicycle and pedestrian projects is Acres for America. Funding priorities include conservation of bird, fish, plants and wildlife habitats, providing access for people to enjoy outdoors, and connecting existing protected lands. Federal, state, and local government agencies, educational institutions, Native American tribes, and non-profit organizations may apply twice annually for matching grants. Due to the competitive nature of grant funding for Acres for America, all awarded grants require a minimum 1:1 match. For more information: http://www.nfwf.org/ whatwedo/grants/Pages/home.aspx

THE TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND Land conservation is central to the mission of the Trust for Public Land (TPL). Founded in 1972, the TPL is the only national non-profit working exclusively to protect land for human enjoyment and well-being. TPL helps acquire land and transfer it to public agencies, land trusts, or other groups that intend to conserve land for recreation and spiritual nourishment and to improve the health and quality of life of American communities. For more information: http://www.tpl.org LAND FOR TOMORROW CAMPAIGN Land for Tomorrow is a diverse partnership of businesses, conservationists, farmers, environmental groups, health professionals, and community groups committed to securing support from the public and General Assembly for protecting land, water, and historic places. Land for Tomorrow works to enable North Carolina to reach a goal of ensuring that working farms and forests, sanctuaries for wildlife, land bordering streams, parks, and greenways, land that helps strengthen communities and promotes job growth, and historic downtowns and neighborhoods will be there to enhance the quality of life for generations to come. For more information: http://www.land4tomorrow.org/ THE CONSERVATION ALLIANCE The Conservation Alliance is a nonprofit organization of outdoor businesses whose collective annual membership dues support grassroots citizen-action groups and their efforts to protect wild and natural areas. Grants are typically about $35,000 each. Funding criteria states that: The project should seek to secure lasting and quantifiable protection of a specific wild land or waterway. We prioritize landscape-scale projects that have a clear benefit for habitat. The campaign should engage grassroots citizen action in support of the conservation effort. We do not fund general education, restoration, stewardship, or scientific research projects.

For more information: https://www. duke-energy.com/community/ duke-energy-foundation


This Winston-Salem-based Foundation is committed to improving the quality of life for all North Carolinians. The Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation is a statewide, private, family foundation that has been a catalyst for positive change in North Carolina for more than 80 years. A variety of grant programs are available. For more information: http://www.zsr.org/ grants-programs





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