Table 8: Interactive Map Comments (Cont)
Speed bumps are needed on Phelps Road West. Drivers go WAY WAY too fast on this road and it’s dangerous. If sidewalks are indeed added here, speed bumps or some of of speed reducing devices will be necessary.
It would be nice to connect the dog park to Fleming Loop and there seems to be space for a trail.
I think it’s very important to add safe side walks from McLean to the intersection of 401 and Wilbon Rd. West Fuquay and on both sides of Wilbon to 401. The food dessert in west Fuquay-Varina means many people without vehicles have to walk to Food Lion regularly
Appendix D: Comprehensive Network Maps (Zoom-ins) D.
Needs improvement Add sidewalks to NE Judd Parkway to provide a safe walking and running route
Need sidewalks all the way down Phelps West to access downtown.
Desperately need side walks here on bowling rd and cross walk to 401 to access South Park ball field.
Wagstaff road needs sidewalk to access parks. Road is narrow and people walk in the street all the time. Very unsafe.
Needs improvement Create Greenways that connect these parks across town.
Needs improvement Bushes and trees need trimming on Judd Parkway sidewalk across from community center. Sometimes I have to walk in the bike lane to avoid low hanging or overhanging branches.
Rather than trying to improve the walkability of the confluence of the railroad and main street, you could add a walking bridge over the tracks at the end of W. Jones St. Lots of people walk up W. Jones and then have to cross at the dangerous intersection by the railroad.
128 Needs improvement Visitors to the dog park need a more direct route from parking walking into the dog park that keeps them(and their pets) out of flowing traffic. 131 Walking Walking/cycling on Piney Grove Wilbon…key improvement with pedestrian traffic increasing. 132 Walking Wilbon Rd. Connectivity for walkers and cyclists between piney grove Wilbon and Wilbon rd to Judd would connect the western part of the town to key destinations like the High School. 137 Needs improvement walking/bike access along Old Powell Rd from Briar Gate neighborhood to connect to exisiting sidewalks by Southern Wake. Once new mixed use development is built at Broad St/Old Powell it would be nice to have safe bike access. 138 Needs improvement Sidewalk or Sidepath would be beneficial. Pedestrians currently attempt to walk on Wilbon and it’s very dan - gerous as is. 139 Needs improvement Walking Trails at the environmental park need repairs from erosion. 140 Needs improvement Traffic doesn’t slow at pedestrian crosswalks on Main. I’ve seen crosswalks in holly springs, Wilmington, and Raleigh that have blinkers imbedded in the road and crossing buttons for pedestrian only crossings.
Angier Rd is quite busy with walkers daily going to/from downtown. We would love to see a sidewalk as traffic can be busy and majority of drivers aren’t traveling 35 mph, combined without much room for walkers makes for dangerous conditions. A sidewalk or pathway for walkers and cyclists along Piney Grove Wilbon would increase safety as this road is extremely busy now since the road was changed to go straight to the Holly Springs Walmart on Hwy55. As more and more subdivisions are added to Wilbon Road increasing motorist traffic, there needs to be a safe way for pedestrians and cyclists to get from Wilbon Road to NW Judd Pkwy.
Phelps West and Academy need sidewalks.
A sidewalk from Fleming loop rd along w academy in both directions to accommodate local walkers trying to get to the park safely
Want to connect Briar Gate Community to Saint Bernadette Church.
Sidewalk connecting Broadwell Trace Community to St Bernadette Church, including crosswalk with flashing sign
Needs improvement Walking path could use a sidewalk from St Bernadette Church to Briar Gate Community
163 Needs improvement The span from CVS to the new FV Town Hall on main street is not pleasant to look at. 1. Consider enforcing parking laws so tractor trailers and other vehicles are not parked in open lots next to Garibaldi, in Citgo gas station, or other vacant lots. 2. Consider investment in burying all power/telephone lines along that stretch to match the portion of main in front of Town hall. 166 Walking Nee sidewalk on both sides of S Main to South Park. Pedestrian crossing are dangerous and poorly marked. A lot of younger families have located to this area because of relatively low cost housing. A lot of seniors live there too. It very difficult to use the existing pedestrian facilities. A safe bike trail would be welcome to al.
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