WAKE COUNTY GREENWAY SYSTEM PLAN (2017) Fuquay-Varina is included as a key area for the Wake County Greenway System Plan, featuring the following key corridors; Bass Lake (Holly Springs) to the Basal Creek Trail in Fuquay-Varina; the NC 55 corridor; Judd Pkwy (northeast); and Fuquay-Varina Town Hall to Honeycutt Park and existing Park Depot Trail (see overview map below).
Public Outreach
OVERVIEW Public outreach was solicited throughout the planning process through the following mediums: • Project website • Online and hard copy survey (see summary on following page) • Information cards • Two in-person public outreach events • Online interactive map • Three steering committee meetings • Eight stakeholder interviews See the Public Outreach Appendix for a detailed record of comments received.
Table 5: Additional Plans Reviewed
Plan Name
Holly Springs Parks, Recreation, and Greenways Master Plan (2021) Harnett County Bicycle, Pedestrian, & Greenway Plan (2021) Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) Southwest Area Study Update (2019) 2035 Community Vision Land Use Plan (2017)
Key recommended connections to Fuquay-Varina include: the Bass Lake to Basil Creek Trail link; NC 55 (sidepath), Dickens Rd (sidepath); and the future southern extensions of the American Tobacco Trail as part of the future NC 751 extension project.
Public input table at the Celebrate Fuquay event on October 2nd, 2021; Town staff created fun games and trivia questions specific to the pedestrian plan to engage passersby.
Key recommended connections to Fuquay-Varina include: the southern extension of the American Tobacco Trail to Raven Rock State Park as identified in the Southwest Area Study (see below); the inactive Norfolk Southern railroad corridor; multiple proposed sidepaths and greenway corridors (such as Hector Creek, Neills Creek, and Kenneth Creek). The southern extension of the American Tobacco Trail to Raven Rock State Park has been identified in the Southwest Area Study, as part of the southern extension of NC 751 roadway project - this would include a connection opportunity in southwestern Fuquay-Varina. The 2035 Community Land Use Plan focuses on sustainable development and calls for greater coordination between land use and transportation planning. From the demand side, this includes consideration of a mix of land uses, development location, pattern, and intensity, and site design elements that will help reduce demand for long-distance, single-purpose vehicle trips. This ordinance significantly improved the recognition and requirements for pedestrian facilities as part of development in Fuquay-Varina. A detailed policy review and recommendations can be found in the following Chapter (Chapter 3: Recommendations). This study focused on bike/ped infrastructure connectivity to Lincoln Heights Elementary School (much of which has been implemented), as well as complementary program/policy recommendations/ Prior streetscape improvements in the East Broad St area took place in 1997, 2002, 2009, 2012, and 2013. These included sidewalk extensions as well as accessibility and utility improvements. The master plan divides the study area into eight sub-sections, recommending planting, lighting, sidewalk, bikeway, and utility improvements that will better conform to statewide Complete Streets requirements.
INTERACTIVE MAP COMMENTS Over 200 comments were received via the online interactive map. Key themes that emerged from the comments included: • Connect downtowns • Connect subdivisions • Improve crossing high traffic volume/speed roadways • Connect schools
Land Development Ordinance (2016)
Lincoln Heights Safe Routes to School Action Plan (2016) Varina Streetscape Plan (2014)
Screenshot of feedback left on the online interactive map
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