Fuquay Varina Pedestrian Plan - Adopted 8-1-2022

Introduction Program and policy recommendations are essential and complementary to the pedestrian infrastructure recommendations presented in the previous chapter. Throughout the planning process, several ideas for program and policy improvements were collected during public, stakeholder, and committee feedback. Program and Policy recommendations in this chapter include:

• Become Designated as a Walk Friendly Community • Create and Adopt a Vision Zero Policy and Action Plan • Safe Routes To Schools & Parks Action Plans • Pedestrian & Bicycle Count Program • Wayfinding • Speed Management

04. Program & Policy Recommendations


Fostering a culture that supports and encourages active transportation

Monitoring eorts to increase active transportation and planning for the future

Creating safe, connected, and comfortable places for bicycling and walking

Equipping people with the knowledge, skills and condence to bike and walk

The Six E's are the general categories that provide a balance of active transportation efforts

Building safe and responsible behaviors on the road and building respect among all road users


Increasing access and opportunity for all residents, including disadvantaged, minority and low income populations



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