TYPICAL PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS These are the steps typically involved in pedestrian facility development, when the project is being built independent of other major development or roadway projects. Certain funding sources may have additional requirements, and some steps may occur simultaneously or in a different order.
IMPLEMENTATION ACTION STEPS The following represent key, immediate action steps for Fuquay-Varina and its partners: Adopt This Plan Adoption does not obligate the Town financially, but signals an intent to support the vision, goals, and recommendations of this plan in the coming years and decades. Amend CTP Referencing facility recommendations from this plan will ensure projects that are implemented by NCDOT will not require a cost share from the Town, per the NCDOT Complete Streets Policy. Develop a CIP and Allocate Funding The Town Board of Commissioners should develop a CIP that includes a ranking of the priority projects identified in this plan and allocate resources for implementation. Seek Multiple Funding Sources and begin the Design Stage Priority project sheets contain cost estimates and potential additional funding opportunities are listed in Appendix B. Seek private partnerships with local businesses to aid in raising funds for grants that require a match. Completing or at least initiating the design phase for these projects will make them more competitive in grant applications such as CAMPO’s LAPP process.
Continue Coordinating with Developers and NCDOT
Continue coordinating with developers on pedestrian infrastructure circulation within and to/from new developments. As roads are improved or newly constructed, continue coordinating with NCDOT on implementing Complete Streets. With the I-540 construction coming through the northeast corner of Fuquay-Varina, ensure pedestrian facilities that intersect with the I-540 corridor are accommodated during the construction of I-540. Engage New Programs & Policies Program and policy recommendations can be found in Chapter 4. Planning staff and partner departments should work together to move program and policy recommendations forward. Begin Work on Infrastructure Projects The implementation of pedestrian infrastructure projects will take time and will happen through multiple mechanisms including the NCDOT SPOT process, Fuquay-Varina’s CIP, CAMPO’s LAPP process, land and roadway development, and park and open space development. Because infrastructure is the high dollar item of this plan, Fuquay-Varina should consider expanding upon their current revenue stream for local match or standalone projects. To be competitive in CAMPO’s LAPP process, creating shovel ready projects (projects that have design completed) is very important. The graphic on the following page highlights some of the key steps in the project implementation process.
Start Cycle for Priority Project(s)
Confirm Routing with Land/ROW Owners if necessary
Operations, Management, Maintenance, Evaluation
Secure Env. Documenta- tion & Fund- ing for 30% Design
Adopt This Plan
Grand Opening Event
Complete 30% Design & Update Con- struction Cost Estimates
Bidding, Procurement & Construction
Secure Funds for
Secure Permits/
Acquisition, Full Design & Construction
Construction Authorization
ROW Authorization, Acquisition, & Certification
100% Plan, Specification & Estimate (PS&E)
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