and maintain recommended facilities using the highest standards allowed by the State (including the use of innovative treatments on a trial basis). • Notify Fuquay-Varina staff of all upcoming roadway reconstruction projects in Fuquay- Varina, no later than the design phase. Provide sufficient time for comments from Town staff. • If needed, seek guidance and direction from the NCDOT Integrated Mobility Division on issues related to this plan and its implementation. Role of The Police Department The Fuquay-Varina Police Department should be prepared to: • Become experts on pedestrian-and bicycle related laws in North Carolina (see: https:// bike-ped-laws.aspx). • Continue to enforce not only pedestrian- and bicycle-related laws, but also motorist laws that affect walking and bicycling, such as speeding, running red lights, aggressive driving, etc. • Participate in pedestrian- and bicycle-related education programs (excellent existing program example: the Police Department is currently involved in the Watch for Me NC education and encouragement program). • Review safety considerations as projects are implemented. Role of Developers Developers in Fuquay-Varina are currently playing an important role in pedestrian facility development whenever a project requires the enhancement of transportation facilities or the dedication and development of sidewalks, sidepaths, greenways, or crossing facilities. In general, developers should be prepared to: • Become familiar with the benefits, both financial and otherwise, of providing amenities for walking and biking (including trails) in residential and commercial developments.
• Be prepared to account for pedestrian and bicycle circulation and connectivity in developments. Role of Local & Regional Stakeholders Stakeholders for pedestrian facility development and related programs, such as Wake County, CAMPO, the Triangle Trails Initiative, members of this steering committee, and other local organizations play important roles in the implementation of this plan. Local and regional stakeholders should be prepared to: • Become familiar with the recommendations of this plan, and communicate & coordinate with Fuquay-Varina for implementation, specifically in relation to funding opportunities, such as grant writing and developing local matches for facility construction. • CAMPO should continue to work with Fuquay-Varina on submitting pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure projects for evaluation within the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). • Business owners and organizations should look for opportunities to partner on specific projects, such as trail connectivity, streetscape improvements, or comprehensive signage and wayfinding projects. Role of Local Residents, Clubs and Advocacy Groups Local residents, clubs, and advocacy groups also play a role in the success of this plan. Examples include: • Providing input regarding pedestrian issues. • Volunteering for pedestrian-related events and educational activities and/or to participate in such activities. • Encouraging people to speak at Board of Commissioner meetings and advocate for local pedestrian and bicycle project and program funding. • Fundraising for project implementation. Role of Volunteers Services from volunteers, students, and seniors, or donations of material and equipment may be provided in-kind, to offset construction and maintenance costs. Formalized maintenance
Role of the Board of Commissioners The Board of Commissioners should be responsible for understanding and adopting this plan. The Board will ultimately determine the timing of action steps, and dedication of
resources to implement this plan. Role of the Planning Board
The Triangle Trails Initiative is a key regional partner that will assist in establishing support for regional trail development.
The Planning Board serves as an advisory board to the Board of Commissioners on matters of planning and zoning. The Planning Board should be prepared to: • Become familiar with the recommendations of this plan, and support its implementation. • During subdivision plan review, ensure required space for recommended infrastructure projects if applicable. • Include pedestrian infrastructure needs when updating ordinances. • Learn about bicycle- and pedestrian-related policies in North Carolina. (see: https:// Policies-Guidelines.aspx) Role of the Local NCDOT Division 5 Division 5 of the NCDOT is responsible for the construction and maintenance of pedestrian and bicycle facilities on NCDOT-owned and maintained roadways in Fuquay-Varina, or is expected to allow for the municipalities to do so with encroachment agreements. Fuquay- Varina should be proactive and take the lead in communicating with and working with Division 5, but Division 5 should also be prepared to do the following, as they are able: • Recognize this plan as not only an adopted plan of Fuquay-Varina, but also as an approved plan of the NCDOT. • Become familiar with the pedestrian facility recommendations for NCDOT roadways in this plan (Chapter 3); take initiative in incorporating this plan’s recommendations into the Division’s schedule of improvements whenever possible. • Become familiar with the design guidance listed in Appendix A of this plan; construct
agreements, such as adopt-a-trail/greenway or adopt-a-highway can be used to provide a regulated service agreement with volunteers. Advantages of utilizing volunteers include reduced or donated planning and construction costs, community pride and personal connections to Fuquay-Varina’s walking network. PERFORMANCE MEASURES (EVALUATION AND MONITORING) Fuquay-Varina should establish performance measures to benchmark progress towards fulfilling the recommendations of this plan. The Town should present these performance measures in an annual evaluation update. Performance measures could address the following aspects of pedestrian transportation and recreation in Fuquay-Varina: • Safety. Measures of pedestrian-related crashes and injuries. • Facilities. Measures of how many pedestrian facilities have been funded and constructed since the plan’s adoption. • Maintenance. Measures of existing sidewalk/ crosswalk or trail deficiency or maintenance needs. • Counts. Measures of pedestrian traffic at specific locations. • Education, Encouragement and Enforcement. Measures of the number of people who have participated in part of a pedestrian-related program since the plan’s adoption.
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