2017 R ena i s s anc e P l an U pdat e | T own of W ak e F or e s t
7.2 Short Term Parking Strategies
A few simple strategies will increase the parking available for patrons in the downtown core. Viewing parking as a utility and managing it as such will improve the perception of parking issues in downtown with real results. The diagram on the adjacent page illustrates an additional 122 parking spaces created through low-cost improvements easily made in the short term. Enforce current timed spaces Although downtown has several on-street parking zones marked for 2-hour parking, it is not enforced. Enforcing the 2-hour limit, especially on White Street, will create more frequent turnover and availability of those parking spaces. Consolidate some driveways (2 to 1) and reduce curb cuts (note this from Section 6.4) There are several instances that we identified where one property is served by multiple driveways. By reducing the number of driveways where access to the property is not impaired, we can install three parallel on-street parking spaces for each curb cut that is abandoned.
Add spaces along Taylor Street behind Town Hall Taylor Street is served by some parallel on-street parking along the west side of the street behind Town Hall, but there is approximately 320 feet of space that is available and currently not marked for another use. That is ample space to install an additional 16 parallel on-street parking spaces.
RECOMMENDATION 7A: Implement both short and long term parking strategies with the overall goal of managing this public utility in the most efficient manner possible.
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