Wake Forest Renaissance Plan - September 2017


2017 R ena i s s anc e P l an U pdat e | T own of W ak e F or e s t

9.4 Case Study: Parklets

Best Practices

S S San Francisco started the parklet movement and leads the way with the gold standard in parklet manuals.

S S Seattle also has one of the best parklet guides that is easy to follow and very informative

S S Charlotte began its

parklet program in 2015 and attempted to use lessons learned from other cities with more established programs.


X X Temporary parklets can be constructed for under $200, but more permanent ones require more design, funding and permitting. Seattle’s guide gives a range of examples.

Other Similar Projects and Programs

W W Seattle also has

guidelines for parklets used as outdoor cafes, called “Streateries.”

X X Los Angeles created

People Street, a program that invites the public to build their own public spaces.

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