Wake Forest Renaissance Plan - September 2017


2017 R ena i s s anc e P l an U pdat e | T own of W ak e F or e s t

Destination Accessibility

The easier it is for people to travel to and from downtown Wake Forest, the more attractive it will be to draw patrons wanting to share experiences and spend money. It is essential to provide adequate wayfinding to not only help people get to the core but also navigate their experience once they arrive.

Development Density

Small towns such as Wake Forest typically thrive at a density of 2–4 stories within the core. This is not a hard and fast rule but a good baseline for future development.

Distance to Transit

Downtowns with access to transit services can accommodate higher volumes of users without adding pressure on parking. Ensuring safe and comfortable journeys from neighborhoods to transit stops is key to user safety.

Dynamic Activity

Vibrant downtowns are dynamic in nature with a mixture of sidewalk displays, outdoor dining, creative signage, diverse public spaces and enticing window shopping.

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