Wake Forest Renaissance Plan - September 2017


2017 R ena i s s anc e P l an U pdat e | T own of W ak e F or e s t

4 Summary of Public Input

4.1 Public Process Overview

The planning process for the Renaissance Plan Update involved several outreach strategies and opportunities for the citizens of Wake Forest to participate. Our desire was to create a meaningful dialogue with the community that would help mold the vision for Wake Forest’s downtown area. With both on-site opportunities to interact with the design team along with an online portal known as mySidewalk, citizens of all ages and ability levels were part of the process. Interested individuals or groups were also invited to email their input to downtowndesign@wakeforestnc.gov. 4.2 Steering Committee Mayor Vivian Jones appointed a group of Wake Forest citizens who helped guide the consultants and city staff throughout the nine month process. This steering committee met several times and were key participants in the public design charrette. Each member was charged with encouraging participation from neighbors, colleagues and friends.

S S Public Kickoff Workshop small group mapping exercise

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