
Sylvie Lemieux eager for smart election campaign

I think there will be intelligent debates on a

of campaigning leading up to the election.



“I think we can have a smart election

true democracy. Those are three important


message to share. We speak of community,

where people are not afraid to speak about



Green Party candidate Sylvie Lemieux

The campaign

person. I am hoping we (Green Party) will


have a chance to be strong on all our issues

election campaign on a door-knocking

of social justice, the economy, and the

session March 27 around her Cumberland


for 78,000 votes begins

home neighbourhood.

Besides door-knocking, Lemieux also


spent a couple hours later in the afternoon

Prime Minister Stephen Harper called the

today,” she said, smiling. “It’s cold.”

meeting with her campaign manager and

For the third time in five years,

election last Saturday.

But Lemieux is looking forward to the


Glengarry-Prescott-Russell politicos are

Her theme is “Ensemble, nous pouvons

election fever heating up in the Glengarry-

sign posting and other promotion work.

preparing for a federal election campaign.

faire mieux – Together, we can do better!”

Prescott riding of incumbent Conservative

“Having run one previous election

Voters will be heading back to the polls

The Green Party will be represented by

MP Pierre Lemieux. She sees the GPR as

campaign helps you get prepared faster,”

May 2 following last week’s vote in the

Sylvie Lemieux, who also ran in 2008.

maybe proving another one of the swing

she said. “May 2, it will be a short election

House of Commons which saw the


ridings in Ontario that both the


Opposition parties present a vote of non-

to nominate a candidate this week.

Conservatives and the Liberals need to win

She noted that seeing a spring election

confidence, citing a Parliamentary

The candidates will be vying for the

if either one of the twomajor parties hope to

call comes as no real surprise for her.

committee ruling that the government was


form the government after May 2 and one

“Naturally I’ve been looking at the ups

in contempt of Parliament.

voters in the riding that stretches from the

that occupies a large portion of the seats in

and downs, the fever of election,” she said,

Incumbent Conservative MP Pierre



regarding the past tribulations for the

Lemieux, who has waged successful

In 2006, Lemieux became the first

“Ontario will decide if it is a minority or

government on Parliament Hill. “I thought

campaigns in 2006 and 2008, said last week

Conservative in 44 years to represent the

a majority government,” Lemieux said. “I

that a spring election would be a good

he was reluctant to hit the campaign trail


think the West will vote (Conservative) like



Conservative Osie Villeneuve succeeded in

they did the last election. Québec, except for

Mr. Layton (NDP leader) had the election


1957 Liberal MP Raymond Bruneau, who

a few places, is pretty much the Bloc

(choice) in hand. After the budget

said during a phone interview last week.

had been elected in 1953.

Québecois. I think the (election) game is in

announcement, I was not surprised to hear

“We are the government, we are happy

The Liberals’ winning string began in


Mr. Layton say ‘I will not support this.’”

being the government, and Canadians are

1962, with the election of Viateur Éthier. He


What did surprise Lemieux was that the

happy with us as the government. We see


in the riding, Sylvie Lemieux is the sole

government was brought down last Friday

that in the poll results.”

Éthier was succeeded in 1984 by Don

alternative choice for voters unwilling to


But the Opposition believes that Prime

Boudria, who stepped down in 2006.

cast their ballots for either the Tories or the

a contempt of Parliament ruling by the

Minister Stephen Harper has been itching

Lemieuxwas elected in 2006 by a narrow

Grits. As a second-time Green candidate,

Speaker of the House and a Commons

for another election, claiming that the new


she is looking forward to some intelligent,

committee. The proposed federal budget

budget was another sign that the Tories

of the popular vote, edging Liberal René




Berthiaume, who got 22,787, or 41.2 per cent

leaders had indicated their parties would


minority government work.

of the popular vote.

not support it, which would have meant an


In the last election in 2008, the

automatic non-confidence vote.

Liberal uses the

from constituents during his two terms so

Conservative enjoyed a more comfortable

The Green Party candidate does think

far as MP for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell.


that this year’s federal election will see an

“People are happy with me as their MP.”

47.3 per cent of the popular vote, while

"L" word

increase in voter turnout.

Liberal candidate Julie Bourgeois began

Liberal candidate Dan Boudria got 19,997,

“Larger than the last election,” she said.

placing advertisements in papers before

or 36.9 per cent of the popular vote.

“I think people are looking at the long-term.

Page 9

How we will

cover the campaign

in his or her text and to offer a chance to the

Robert Savard

other candidates to react in the framework

Editor in Chief EAP

of a text.

We could have expected as much.


InCanada, aminority government never

editor from readers that will be published

lastsmorethantwoyears. TheConservative

between now and theMay 2 election, if they

government of Stephen Harper could have

concern the election campaign. It is too easy

done better this time. Although a vast

for the organizations of candidates to write

majority of the population does not wish it,

an opinionated letter under a pseudonym.

we will have another chance to exercise our

In such a case, the opposing side would feel

democratic right when a federal election is

the obligation to reply, which would incite

held May 2.


We do not intend to judge the

a situation we wish to avoid. Nevertheless,

performances of the current government or

it will not be forbidden for individuals to

our representatives in the House of

express their opinion. In such a case, people

Commons, but rather to explain theway the

would be invited to contact one of our

newspapers of the Compagnie d’éditions

journalists, whowouldpublish the people’s

André Paquette (EAP) intend to handle the

comments in the framework of a text.

news during this short election campaign.

Invariably, the journalist will be held to

Our news coverage will be dictated by a

reveal the identity of the person who

single concern – to offer you information

expresses this opinion. No anonymous

that is totally devoid of partisanship. Thus,

comments will be published. EAP wishes

our journalists have the obligation to treat

that the electoral debate that has just begun

the issues and all those participating in the

will focus on real and legitimate issues.

campaign with respect. They must, at all

Without wanting to interfere in the debate,

times, offer to the peoplewho hold different

your community newspapers want to be

opinions the opportunity to express



inourcommunities. Ifyoubelievethatyour

The currency of the information will

newspaper does not respect this editorial

dictate the prominence we will afford it in

policy, you can contact the Editor In Chief

our pages.

EAP at All

News coverage will be determined

correspondence will receive the attention

according to the events on the agenda of the

that they deserve. You also can obtain a

election campaign.

copy of the guidelines of EAP by writing to

At no timewill the journalists grantmore and indicating clearly

space to a candidate whose program seems

the subject of your request. Nevertheless,

moreappealingthananother. Furthermore,

let’s remember that during an election

the journalists will attempt as much as

campaign, editorial rules are stricter.

possible to obtain the comments of the

Your newspapers strive constantly to

opponents of a candidate whose programs


or declarations make headlines. In the case

major issues with impartiality and

where it is impossible to obtain a statement,


the journalist will have the duty to explain it

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