Biola Broadcaster - 1964-12

gives us a definite warning about them. It would be interesting to ima­ gine what the people thought when they felt the first drop of rain which preceded the flood. The waters began to rise as the rain did not stop. Maybe then, when it was too late, they real­ ized that Noah wasn't a fool after all. The door of the ark was shut PERHAPS TO-DAY! Perhaps to-day shall sound the mystic summons, The shout, the voice, the trump, not by all heard; And, from their scattered silent rest­ ing places, The dead in Christ will rise to meet the Lord; While we, the ransomed, living, in a moment Shall be caught up— according to His Word. Perhaps to-day, from every clime and nation, Shall souls redeemed ascend to meet the Lord; To suffering ones— great, glad eman­ cipation; To those who toil for Him, a sure reward: We look not down a track of unknown years; It may be that to-day our Lord appears. Perhaps to-day, with problems fresh out-breaking, With growing evils rampant o'er the earth, When sore distress, nigh every land is shaking,— Perhaps to-day the Saviour may come forth. Earth's leaders fail; the forces are too great; But— lift your heads, the Lord is at the gate! tightly for God had done it. And some day, the door of opportunity by grace will be just as secure. What, will it be like for you? Are you prepared? Have you entered into Christ’s ark of safety through personal faith in Him? Do you know the coming Judge as your Saviour? That is the purpose of these Bible studies that you see God’s great truth revealed.

Dr. Talbot Honored

Jim Speer, Biola College student body presi­ dent, presents giant birthday card to Dr. Louis T. Talbot, signed by all the students. Mrs. Talbot looks on.

Miss Margaret Schumacher (right) president of the Biola Women Faculty pins a corsage on Mrs. Talbot. Dr. Daniel Rose, 95 years of age, and oldest Biola Board member, does his part with a shovel in planting a large tree in honor of Dr. Talbot's birthday. He looks on.


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