RADIO QUESTIONS ANSWERED with Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland and Dr. Charles L. Feinberg
Q. Idaho — (Due to nature o f question, town is om itted). “J am a born-again teenager who believes the B ible but my science teacher has made a strong case fo r evolution. My pastor’s argu ments don’t seem to be o f much help. What would you suggest?” A. Even after almost frenzied at tempts on the part of materialistic scientists to prove the false hypothesis of evolution, they still must admit that their ideas on this subject are merely theories. Evolution is still, and always will be, an unproven subject. There are at least three great gulfs fixed over which the evolutionist has never been able to bridge. First, that nothing should be brought to some thing. The Christian on the other hand places his beliefs firmly in the Scriptural truth, “In the beginning God created. . . .” The second is how did that which is inanimate in nature begin to have life? The third is the basic difference between human life and the lower forms of animals. Men have sought frantically and fruitless ly for so-called “missing links” for more than a hundred years. None have ever been found. To be sure, there are some basic similarities in various forms of life. But, God created all things after their own kind. One other point of interest is that we must not confuse evolution with development. We see different strains in flowers, vegetables, and fruits. These are the results of such men as Luther Burbank. But never do these break over their own respective boun daries. There is absolutely no such thing as transmutation of species. There can be a cross between one ani mal and another but it will not pro create itself. Some today are trying to accommo
date evolution by introducing what has been known as “theistic evolu tion.” This is the thought that God created the original spark of life, and from thereon evolution took over. There is also a later theory known as “threshold evolution.” This varies from the former in that instead of believing that God created only the original protoplasm of life, He addi tionally created a number of genes from which evolutionary processes took over. Again, it is an erroneous effort to accommodate oneself to the changing views of science. Science can be defined as a study of facts that can be proven. True science and the Bible are never at odds. Q . San Francisco, California — “/ can’t find anywhere in the Scriptures where the S abbath was changed. Jesu s says in Jo h n I t : 15, ‘I f ye love me, keep my commandments.’ How do we get around Exodus 20:8?” A. It is a remarkable thing that peo ple can read their Bibles for years and yet not realize that through the four Gospels they have missed the truth of the Sabbath. Our Lord Jesus showed the perversions of the Sabbath, He told what righteous acts could be wrought on the Sabbath, as well as how His contemporaries among Israel had perverted the Sabbath. But on “resurrection ground,” in Acts, we find believers meeting not on the last day of the week but on the first. They came together to break bread, have fellowship, preach the Word and to rejoice over a risen Saviour. This is called the Lord’s Day in the New Testament. No one changed the Sab bath; it is still the seventh day of the week. Worship on the Sabbath, how- 13
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