ever, is a part of the Law system. Some of these Iegalizers take out just certain parts of the law, and major on them. I f one is to keep a certain aspect of the law, then by all that is reasonable, he should keep it in its entirety. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ made all the difference. As fa r as John 14:15 is concerned, every truth in God’s Word must be understood in its context. What is the Saviour talking about here? His mes sage is about the leading of the Fa ther, asking our petitions in His name and doing all things for the glory of God. The new commandment, that we love one another, has nothing to do with the commandments of Moses. Our Lord never once referred to those as “My commandments.” The last part of this question is the most unfortunate of all. Don’t try to “get around” any Scripture in any part of the Word! Interpret it correct ly and apply it properly, and you will never find confusion. Exodus 20:8 states, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” This is part of the legal system. Everyone of the ten command ments was reiterated and re-enunci ated in the New Testament, except for this fourth one. It was not an oversight of our Lord you can be sure. Look at Colossians 2:16-17. Paul is saying that it more important to have the real thing and not just a shadow. It would be better to have your moth er than just a shadow of her. The keeping of the Sabbath is never com manded of believers in the New Testa ment, even when the other nine are given a higher statement under grace conditions. “How fa r and how long will God perm it man to trespass H is space? What should hap pen if life were found on Mars or on some oth er planet?” A. This question appears periodically and troubles many people. When the airplane was first invented, there were many people who said that it would never work for the air belonged to the devil. Certainly no Christian should Q . Perris, California —
On each broadcast of "The Biola Hour" a different student gives a personal testimony. Here, Sharone Shawsfead of Burien, Washing ton is heard. fly. But times have vastly changed. Of course, the same erroneous declara tions were made even further back when cars were first invented. God has given man a mind and the ability to use it. If He didn’t intend for man to develop such things as space crafts. He would have kept him from it. The trip to the moon may be just an ex tension of airplane travel so common today. When God wants to put an end to it. when the day of grace closes. He will put an end to it, and there will be no question whatsoever. As for now. we can thank God for every de velopment. for should mankind get to the moon, the reports brought back can only serve to enhance His gran deur and creative handiwork. If life should be found on Mars, or on some other planet, is quite a speculation. Frankly, it need not give us cause to worry or to be upset. We know that, as believers, we are kept in His loving hands and that nothing can come to our lives apart from His divine will (Romans 8:38-39). We are content to await God’s plan and program, until the time comes when in our redeemed bodies we will be able to roam the universe. This is the Christian’s fu ture “playground” and heritage.
Q . Turlock, California — ‘‘Do you think 14
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