In the case of where one may be unsaved and the other a believer, we would also refrain from performing such a service. This is being unequally yoked together. Where both are unsaved, we feel that this is something each minister must answer for himself. Instead of asking the Lord’s blessing upon the home, the pastor will ask that the Lord might touch the hearts of these two, and that they will establish a Christian home in time. Sometimes, in pre-marital counselling, a minister is able to give a personal and convinc ing testimony concerning the things of Christ which will lead them to the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. Q . Dinuba, California — “Jesu s said, 7 give my life. No one can take it from me.’ Then occasionally the statem ent is made, ‘He died o f a broken heart.’ The question is, how can this be recon ciled ?” A. Our Lord did not die accidentally. His life was willingly given on Cal vary’s cross. No one could take it from Him, either prior to the cross or in any other way than the cross. When they pierced His side with a spear, blood and water flowed forth. His heart was literally broken. In a larger sense, however, He died of a broken heart because of the tremendous cost to Him in atoning for our sins. We have no idea, as human beings, the infinite cost to the Son of God as He died on Calvary’s cross, and was thus separated from the Father. It was the only time in all eternity that the face of the Father was turned from the face of the Son. Q . Santa Barbara, California — “In Mat thew 9:15, does it mean today that Christ wants us to fast?" A. This portion tells us, “Then came to him the disciples of John, saying, why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not? And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come when the bridegroom 18
Public Relations offices of Biola. Ken Farson (standing), from Church Press, with Virginia Schwepker. Seated center is Mrs. Helen Wendt (a Biola graduate) and Miss Eileen Rahm (a Biola student). A. This is a question of logic and of everyday living. It concerns responsi bility and subordination, and the like. God has placed the husband as the one authority in the home. This is a part of His infinite wisdom. Even in the world, sad to say, it is true that those who are heads or dominating ones, are not always believers. Some unsaved husbands are very thoughtful, con siderate, loving, providing, and toler ant of their believing wives and chil dren. God will see to it that, i f we keep our part of the arrangement, the home can go on and be a testimony. The Apostle' Peter indicates that if a believing wife is married to an un believing husband, though the hus band may not want to have anything to do with the Word, yet without a word, the husband can have a positive testimony given to him through the believing conduct and contacts (I Peter 3 :1 -7 ). This could be called “a silent sermon.” Q . Santa Cruz, California — “Should min isters perform m ixed m arriages, m ar riages between Protestan ts and Cath olics, or m arriages in a case w here one or both may be un sav ed i” A. There are three questions here. Of our own conviction, we do not believe that ministers should perform mar riages between Protestants and Cath olics. They are generally not the ones to suffer as will the children from the marriage.
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